Since many schools start in the next couple of weeks, it is time to think about packing lunches and snacks again. Keenan has one more year of preschool, so I only have to pack a small snack three days a week since he eats lunch at home. But, he is not one to eat the same thing everyday, so I’m constantly thinking of new lunch and snack ideas to keep him interested. Fortunately, he is a good eater and loves his veggies and fruits, so if your little one is more on the picky side, tweak the recipe ideas to fit your family’s taste buds.

Here are my family’s 5 favorite healthy (and simple) back-to-school snack and lunch ideas that are beyond the typical sandwich…

1. Turkey Rolls: Take a slice of turkey and fill it with some avocado, tomato and spinach. Roll it up and it’s good to go. Keenan loves these for lunches, in fact he will eat at least three of them! Add some carrots and fruit for a complete lunch.

turkey rolls

2. Apple Pie Cottage Cheese: Mix some cottage cheese with 1 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tsp of honey or xylitol and a tart apple (chopped).

3. Yogurt Parfait: Mix plain Greek yogurt with some flaxseed, chia seeds and a tsp of honey. Layer with fresh berries and granola or chopped nuts.

yogurt parfait

4. Celery Trains (as Keenan calls them): Fill pieces of celery with almond or peanut butter. I sometimes add a couple of chocolate chips on top for a special surprise!

5. Italian Picnic: Pack a few slices of cheese, nitrite free salami (or other meat of your choice), whole grain crackers, marinated veggies (artichokes are our favorite!), carrots and fruit for a fun lunch. This is another one of Keenan’s favorite lunches!

Italian picnic


What is your favorite lunch and/or snack?

Do you pack your kids’ lunches or do they buy them at school?