Happy Friday!

Sorry I was MIA the past couple of days. Our internet was down and the lovely Verizon Wireless kept telling us it would be fixed in a couple of hours which turned to 24 hours which then turned into three days! Even though my husband and I were frustrated to say the least, it gave us an excuse to unplug and enjoy some much needed quality time (with wine!) after the kids were in bed instead of looking at stuff online or blogging. I also was able to watch some daytime TV while folding laundry in the afternoon while Keenan and Mirella were napping! That NEVER happens!

Anyhow, it’s been a month since I posted a post-baby body update, so I thought it was time for another one since Mirella is 5 months! Slowly, but surely, I’m getting back into my pre-pregnancy shape with most of my clothes fitting without being snug. My strength is definitely increasing and my performance in my workouts is improving, which feels good!

Here are my stats and some pictures, too…

5 months postpartum

Current weight: 126

4 Months Postpartum: 128

10 Weeks Postpartum: 134

Final pregnancy weight: 156

Pre-pregnancy: 118

The weight is definitely coming off MUCH slower than when I just had Keenan, but at least it is coming off. It seems like these last 8 pounds just want to stick around. I’m trying my best to just focus on improving my strength and endurance in my workouts, as well as how my clothes feel instead of concentrating on the measly number on the scale. I know the weight will come off eventually, so I just need to be patient. I think my body just wants to hold onto the extra weight for breastfeeding, ha!

I’m still doing CrossFit out of our home gym, in the mornings five days a week when my husband gets up at 5:30 a.m. I love getting my workout done early, especially before Keenan and Mirella wake up because I have the rest of the day ahead of me! Also, it has been so hot lately that I can’t even imagine working out in the afternoon when it is 100 degrees!

My endurance and strength are definitely improving because the other day I was able to do 10 consecutive kipping pull ups instead of 5, and I can deadlift 185 pounds (only 20 pounds shy of my PR prior to getting pregnant).

As for my nutrition, I’m still eating as I usually eat (whole foods, lots of fresh produce, healthy fats, lots of protein and a moderate amount of whole grains). I’m not counting calories but eating when I feel hungry. I still have a hoppy beer or a glass of wine (or two) each night, as well as the occasional dessert. It’s what works for me and I plan to continue with it. I know if I cut out the wine or beer the weight would probably come off faster, but I look forward to that nightcap and a chance to talk with my husband (and decompress) after the kiddos are in bed!

So, there you have it. I’ll continue to post more updates as I get closer to my pre-pregnancy shape!

Have a great weekend!


Are you working towards any health and/or fitness goals? If so, what are they?

What time do you prefer to workout?