I hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I’ve been MIA lately! My brother and his family flew in last week and we have been hanging out with them pretty much everyday, including swimming every afternoon at my parents’ house. To be honest, it has been nice not worrying about blogging. With my personal training and Juice Plus business, as well as spending quality time with my family, blogging has been put on the back burner. Even though I enjoy blogging and reading other blogs, I’m finding it harder and harder to have the time to sit down and write. I hate to stop blogging, especially with all the time and effort I’ve put into it, but something has to give. My goal is to post at least once a week, see how that goes for awhile and then re-evaluate. We shall see…

Anyhow, since I’ve haven’t posted for a while, I thought I would share some of the things I’ve been loving lately…

1. Katie’s AMAZING No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Bars! I made these a couple of weeks ago for my family. My husband couldn’t believe that they didn’t contain flour or eggs (or required the oven). He scarfed them down so fast that I made another batch the next weekend and they only lasted a few days (hence why I don’t have a picture of the bars that I made)! They make the perfect afternoon snack.

Secretly healthy brownie bars that can be oil-free, sugar-free, raw, vegan, paleo, & gluten-free. Full recipe: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2015/06/01/no-bake-chocolate-peanut-butter-brownie-bars/

 2. Peaches! We picked out first crop of peaches with my nieces and sister-in-law yesterday. I can’t wait to make a cobbler and freeze some for smoothies (and peach margaritas!).

peach picking

3. Family. Keenan has been having a blast with his cousins and it’s so fun to see them have so much fun together.


4. My new Athleta shorts and tank. I’m going to get a couple more pairs of these shorts because they are so comfortable for everyday, running and working out!

Athleta tank and shorts

5. Trish McCovy Beauty Booster Lip and Cheek Color. I recently picked this up when I was at Nordstrom getting some more concealer. I needed a new cream blush and came across this gem. I love Trish McCovy products, especially since I have such sensitive skin. This can double as a lipstick and blush, which is a win-win in my book, since I don’t have much time to put makeup on with two busy kiddos!

Trish McCovy Lip and Cheek Color


What things have you been loving lately?

If you have a blog, have you ever taken a hiatus from the blogging world?