Happy Friday! With Keenan’s birthday on Wednesday, this week has flown by! Since I still have lots to do for his party tomorrow, I’m going to try and keep this update short and sweet. Let’s get to it, shall we?

I can’t believe it has already been a month since my last update and Mirella is already 6 months old! I seriously would love to find a way to freeze time! Anyhow, I have to be honest with you, I’m a little disappointed that I don’t have a lot of progress to report this month. I have hit a plateau with my weight and even with my strength in some ways, that I haven’t seen any changes on the scale or with my workout performance. We were on vacation last week and I have to admit, I didn’t workout at all, unless you count a few long walks on the beach. I also snacked more (and on not-so-healthy items, i.e chips, caramel popcorn, sweets), so I know that took me a step back, but that was only one week. Since returning from vacation, I’m back to my healthy eating routine and working out daily (5 days a week), which feels good, but I’m at a loss on what I need to do in order to push myself further towards reaching my goals.

I know I should not dwell on the scale (which I constantly tell myself not to do), but it’s so HARD to not think about it, especially when I still have a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans that are too snug. It probably seems ridiculous that I’m worried about losing these measly last 8 pounds when there are many people out there struggling to lose 50 or more pounds, but it is just plain frustrating! Regardless of whether someone needs to lose 5 or 50 pounds, weight loss is not easy. It is hard work and takes a lot of determination and willpower. I’m working hard everyday to get back into my pre-pregnancy shape, but it must not be enough. Maybe I need to push myself even harder? Or, is it the breastfeeding that makes my body hold onto the weight? I plan to nurse Mirella past a year like I did with Keenan, but even while I nursed him, I was able to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape. Is it my eating…portion sizes? With breastfeeding, I always seem to be hungry and I when I sit down for a meal, I have to slow down to make sure I don’t overeat, but maybe I need to look at my meals a little more carefully. We eat healthy, but maybe I’m taking in too many calories. At the same time, I don’t want to cut calories, because I don’t want it to affect my milk supply.

Either way, I’m not going to lie, I’m not happy with my progress. But, do I let it get me down and stop working towards my goals? No. It makes me even more determined to work harder and push myself further in my wods. But, am I going to drastically cut things out of my lifestyle, like drinking a beer or having a glass of wine at night, or working out 6-7 days a week? No. I believe healthy living is a lifestyle and you just have to find the right balance that works for you without cutting things out that you enjoy. I believe everything in moderation (within reason). I look forward to sitting down with my husband at the end of the day once the kids are in bed and catching up over a glass of wine (or two!) or beer. I still want to enjoy life while working towards my goals.

Since my stats are the same as last month’s update, I didn’t take a picture this time, nor did I feel like taking one…

Current weight: 126

5 Months Postpartum: 126

Final pregnancy weight: 156

Pre-pregnancy: 118

There you have it. Sorry for the rant, but hopefully I’ll have some progress to report next month.

Have a good weekend!


If you breastfed your kids, did you have a hard time losing the last few pounds while you were nursing? Was it harder with baby #2 or 3, 4, etc? When did the weight finally come off?

Any advice/suggestions on losing these last pounds?