I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a great weekend, though a tad busy, but definitely a productive one! Among attending our good friends’ baby’s baptism on Saturday and having dinner with friends (while Keenan and his best buddy played), we got our Christmas tree, decorated it and finished almost all of our Christmas gifts/shopping! Also, we enjoyed a nice visit with my brother on Saturday night (eating the BEST pizza from Masullo and pretty much finishing the last of the Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies!) before he flew back to Montreal. Also, I’m feeling better (though still a little stuffy). Keenan unfortunately came down with my cold this weekend, but he doesn’t seem to have it as bad (at least so far!).

On Saturday, we started the Advent calendar and”Elf on the Shelf” traditions. We read the story to Keenan on Friday night and he named our elf, “Peanut.” When he woke up on Saturday morning, he was super excited to find Peanut, which she was hanging on our coat closet door.


Yesterday, she was on top of Keenan’s kitchen and today, she was sitting on top of the couch by our Christmas tree.



Keenan asks about Peanut all the time, such as where she is if we aren’t in the same room as she, as well as where she will be the next day. It is pretty cute! My husband and I are enjoying reminding him that she is watching him at all times, so he needs to be a good boy, in order for Santa to bring him presents. I’m not sure if Keenan fully understands the whole concept of the elf, but it certainly can’t help! I am having fun thinking of ideas to place her. I’ve been looking on pinterest for some cute ideas that I can’t wait to try soon!

For the Advent calendar, I put a couple of stickers in the boxes the past couple of days and an old empty spice container today. He was more excited with the spice container, because he immediately ran to his kitchen to start playing with it! Shortly after, I was taking his empty baby wipe box to our recycling bin when Keenan insisted on playing with it. Before I knew it, he dumped out almost all of his toys from his toy basket into the box and climbed in!


Yesterday, we all slept in SUPER late (a very rare occasion), waking up at 10:00 a.m.! I heard Keenan start to call for me at 10:00 and I took a double take at my clock. I couldn’t believe it! We have never slept in that late since having Keenan! I think with Keenan’s cold and not having a nap on Saturday, his body needed the extra sleep. Needless to say, we all needed our sleep and it felt great! For brunch (since it was so late), my husband made almond flour waffles, which was good, though a little dry. I need to experiment with the the recipe a bit to figure out how to make it more moist. Either way, they were still good and especially topped with a little of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter, thanks to my friend for giving it to us!

After breakfast, Keenan and I decorated our tree together. He was having more fun looking at all of the ornaments, in fact “playing” with them, rather than hanging them on the tree. When we were all done with the tree, I turned on the lights and he looked up at it and said, “Wow!” It was too cute!


Well, after Keenan wakes up from his nap, we are heading CrossFit, to get in my last few days of training before the competition this Saturday. The WODs were posted last night, so now the nerves are starting to settle in. Fortunately, they don’t look too bad, but I just want to make sure I don’t strain my piriformis again, especially since the first WOD includes heavy deadlifts. My plan of attack for this week is to workout today through Wednesday (doing our regular WODs), do some cardio, unloaded bar deadlifts and gymnastic movements on Thursday and take Friday off. At this point, I just want to get the competition over with!

Have a great Monday!

Questions: How was your weekend? Have you started any holiday traditions with your children? If you run marathons, do triathlons or participate in any fitness competitions, do you get nervous? How do you train the last week before competition/race day? 

REMINDER: There is still time to enter a chance to win a cute workout headband from Simple-Trends! Giveaway ends TONIGHT at 8 p.m. PST!! Click here to enter.