Happy Friday! I’m so ready for the weekend because my husband is home and we are heading to my parents’ house for the next couple of days. With the weather being nice, we are going to plant our garden at my parents’ house and just spend some quality time together. It should be fun!

Also, we are in day three of Keenan wearing his “big boy” underwear and he is continuing to do well! We are still waiting for him to go number two though (poor thing, I’m afraid he is going to be so constipated from holding it in).

Well, it’s time for another edition of Friday Favorites and the third Link up!ย ย If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites!

Favorite Moments:

Keenan being silly with “Baba,” and getting ready for Summer by wearing his swim trunks over his PJ’s!

Being silly with "Baba!"

Being silly with “Baba!”

Building a three-story lego house and setting the “men” atย the table for dinner (but having them say the blessing first!).

Our on-going project the past few days.

Our on-going project the past few days.

Spring/Easter craft time (more to come on this soon!).

A fun bunny hand print idea!

A fun bunny hand print idea, thanks to our friend Elisa!

Favorite Eats:

Paleo Almond Blueberry Pancakes

SO good!

SO good!

A HUGE apple walnut and chicken salad with apple cider, champagne and balsamic vinegars and olive oil

One of my favorite salads to make!

One of my favorite salads to make!

P28 Foods Turkey wraps

Such a good lunch!

Such a good lunch!

*NEW RECIPE: Slow-Cooker Chimichurri Pork with roasted balsamic asparagus

Such an easy, healthy and delicious dinner!

Such an easy, healthy and delicious dinner!

Now, it’s YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!