Happy Friday! I’m SO glad it is the weekend! Though we have a busy couple of days ahead of us with attending the career fair at my old high school today and doing some things for our new house, it will be nice to spend some time with my parents and fit in a little play time by the pool! The weather has been gorgeous, so I can’t wait to take Keenan swimming! Also, I am looking forward to a little pampering on Saturday with a nice facial that my mom gave me awhile ago for my birthday!

Also, I’m even more excited today because Keenan made another poop in the potty last night! I was training my client at the time, so I wasn’t there to see it, unfortunately. My husband said Keenan called for him, telling him that he needed to make a poopie and after sitting on the potty for a couple of minutes, he went all by himself! Slowly but surely, he is FINALLY starting to get it, whoo-hoo!!

Okay enough potty talk, it’s time for our weekly Friday Favorites link up!  If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments and eats. I hope you will join me and link up with some of your favorites!

Favorite Moments:

Playing outside with Keenan and investigating an earwig.

Showing me the earwig he found!

Showing me the earwig he found!

Keenan doing his “workout” after I finished my WOD on Tuesday.

Seeing Keenan so excited to have his toddler bed!

Toddler bed

Playing in his bed with “Baba” as his baby!

Favorite Eats:

Roasted Asparagus Pasta with Feta Cheese

Roasted Asparagus Pasta with Feta Cheese

I just love this dish! It never gets old no matter how many times we have it during asparagus season!

Strawberry and avocado baby kale salad

Strawberry Baby Kale Salad

Baby kale is my new favorite green for salads!

Mexican Chicken in the Crock Pot

Mexican Chicken in the Crock Pot

Our favorite go-to weeknight meal when I’m in a pinch.

Well, that’s a wrap. Have a wonderful weekend!

Also, don’t forget to enter the MIRA Stainless Steel Lunch Box Trio Giveaway! Contest ends Monday!

Now, it’s YOUR turn: Link up your favorite moments and eats from this week, or share some of them below in the comments!