As my mom and I sit in the Houston airport waiting for our flight back to Sacramento that is now delayed by a half hour, I thought I might as well make use of my time and write a post. Please forgive me if I start to ramble and have a few typos, as we have been up since 2:30 am this morning, so my brain is still a bit foggy (even with coffee!). It’s definitely going to be a two (or three!) cup of coffee day, unless I can get some rest on the plane. Speaking of, I have to say it has been a luxury only carrying a small backpack and being kid free on this trip. I can actually board the plane without being a sweaty mess carrying a backpack, Keenan’s things and him!

Anyhow, my mom and I had a wonderful time in New Orleans over the weekend. We certainly walked our behinds off through the French Quarters (hopefully burning off all the beignets and frozen Cafe Au Laits we consumed), as well as doing some shopping. There just too many cute little boutique shops!

We didn’t JUST shop, we also enjoyed some very yummy food and leave it to me, I completely forgot to take any pictures of what we ate! Sorry! In addition to beignets and coffee, we enjoyed some wonderful food from shrimp and grits, creole, crawfish and ricotta crepes, lobster and ricotta gnocchi and of course, bread pudding!

Before I forget, my mom and I had a fun adventure through the swamps yesterday. We rode an airboat through the bayous marveling at all of the alligators looking at us, waiting for their next meal. I couldn’t believe it when our captain got in the water and hand fed a nine foot female alligator! Though he obviously knew what he was doing, it was still nerve wracking!

Last but not least, we had a nice time at my cousin’s wedding (the whole purpose of our trip). They got married at a beautiful Victorian house and had a great four piece jazz band with a tremendous singer who was a mix of Nora Jones and Ella Fitzgerald. The food was delicious and the ambiance was lovely.

My brother also came out for the wedding and stayed with us for a couple days, so it was nice to spend time with him, catch up and talk about the future.

Though I missed my boys and am looking forward to being home and giving them HUGE hugs and kisses, my mom and I had a wonderful trip. It was fun to have a little break and enjoy some quality girls’ time with my mom. I can’t wait to do it again, hopefully sooner rather than later!
