Almost to the weekend! Though, I’m looking forward to another weekend at home, I’m NOT looking forward to really buckling down and packing, ugh! We move move in three weeks, so it is now crunch time, eek!

Since we have a busy morning of running errands and meeting up with Giselle and her cute little guy for a play date, I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet.

Since I haven’t talked much about Keenan’s eats, I thought I would dedicate today’s Thursday Tidbits to all of the things that he eats, while linking up with Brittany’s fun Munchkin Meals link up. I’m lucky, because Keenan is a pretty good eater. He eats what we eat, with the exception of lunch, some breakfasts and when we have date nights. However, he did go through a phase a year ago when he didn’t want to eat a single vegetable, but after a couple of months, he started eating veggies again. Our household rule is you have to eat what is served; we don’t make separate meals. On nights where he isn’t too thrilled with what we make, he still has to eat half of it, and we save the rest for the next day’s lunch.


Anyhow, let’s get to it…

For breakfast on the week days, Keenan usually eats yogurt mixed with berries and a spoonful of chia seeds and ground flax seed or No Oat Oatmeal. If I have baked that week, its either a muffin or bread (he LOVED the Paleo Cherry Almond Bread that we baked last week), and if we have enough time, pancakes.

Keenan's bowl of No Oat Oatmeal with berries and a dollop of peanut butter!

Keenan’s bowl of No Oat Oatmeal with berries and a dollop of peanut butter!

Speaking of yogurt, his Highlights magazine for this month included a fun little yogurt parfait recipe to make with your child for breakfast or dessert. When we were reading his magazine earlier this week, Keenan immediately wanted to make it (especially since he loves helping us in the kitchen!), so we saved it to make for breakfast yesterday. It was such a great activity, because Keenan did everything on his own (with my help of slicing the strawberries and pouring the yogurt, of course), so he was very excited to eat what he made! I changed a few things in the recipe to make it a little more nutritious, but Keenan still loved it. If you are interested, here is the recipe for our Yogurt Breakfast Parfait.

He was SO pumped to eat his parfait!

He was SO pumped to eat his parfait!

For lunches, Keenan loves to eat turkey rolls, “cheesy” eggs with spinach that we either do on the stove or in the microwave (depending on how much time we have), turkey and cheese sandwiches or his absolute favorite, peanut butter, banana and honey sandwiches. Yesterday, he chose “cheesy eggs” with spinach and a side of avocado and extra cheese.

One of Keenan's favorite lunches or breakfasts!

For these “cheesy eggs,” I microwaved one egg with a few pieces of sharp cheddar cheese, chopped fresh spinach, pepper, garlic powder and Italian seasoning.

Snacks, are either string cheese, cheerios mixed with slivered almonds and dried fruit, fruit leathers, cookies that I have made, or fruit and veggie pouches from Happy Family. I actually just picked up the new Chobani Champions Greek yogurt tubes at Costco last week which seem to be his new favorite snack the past few days.

Last but not least, his dinners are a smaller version of what my husband and I eat. Last night, I made a green bean salad with cherry tomatoes, onions, slivered almonds, chicken and feta cheese. He ate every last morsel!

Keenan ate all of the feta cheese first and then the rest of his meal; it was too funny!

Keenan ate all of the feta cheese first and then the rest of his meal; it was too funny!

On Monday, when I made the Savory Roasted Butternut Squash Salad, he devoured it!

Roasted butternut squash is one of Keenan's favorite foods.

Roasted butternut squash is one of Keenan’s favorite foods.

For dessert, we always have some fruit, unless Keenan has “earned” a special treat of ice cream or a cookie if he stayed in his bed and went right to sleep for his nap and bedtime the night before, or has behaved exceptionally well that day.

That’s it for now. Have a great rest of your day!


What are some of your kids’ favorite things to eat?

Do you make separate meals for your kids, or do they eat what you eat at dinner time?