Keenan being silly at our “box” while I was working out. He just HAD to wear the goggles that were in the toy box in the kids’ area!

Where do I begin? This has been a long time coming. Welcome to Fit ‘N’ Well Mommy!! Since I had my son, Keenan, almost two years ago, I have wanted to start a blog, but with going back to work for a while and being consumed with the craziness of life, I never  got around to it. Finally, here it is. That little thing called LIFE never seems to slow down these days, especially with a toddler. We are constantly on the go, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have lots of fun and I truly cherish our time together. A child really puts life into perspective, because they live in the present, only focused with what they are doing NOW. They truly see the beauty and rawness of life. I wish as adults, we could live more in the present, instead of worrying about finances, family issues, what we are going to make for dinner, what school are we going to send our child to or when we can move into a bigger house, etc. Our minds are constantly flooded with thoughts and ideas about what we are going to do next, which can make us pretty stressed out! Keenan has made me stop and appreciate the little things, such as smelling flowers, watching a pill bug roll over or a bumble bee fly from one flower petal to the other, or just being goofy (there is always a lot of goofiness in our household!)! We can all use a good laugh (or two) and just be silly, remembering what it was like to be a kid. When I feel particularly stressed about something, laughing always does the trick to help me feel better, in addition to working out. It really is the best medicine! When I was a child, every time I was sick or not feeling well, I would always watch “I Love Lucy” episodes (thanks to my grandma for introducing me to the show when she babysat me), and immediately felt better! What makes you feel better when you are feeling down? How do you manage your stress? Do you ever just stop to focus on the here and now to truly enjoy the moment?

At Fit ‘N’ Well Mommy, it is my goal to share my experiences of being a new mom, staying fit, being well (physically and mentally) and giving my child the best nutritional start as possible, as well as my knowledge and passion to ultimately help you become a Fit ‘n’ Well Mommy, too! I hope you enjoy reading this and if there is anything you would like to see, please let me know!