Aside from eating chips and salsa or with guacamole on occasion, I really don’t eat chips. I’ve never really been interested in them, due to the little to no nutritional value that they provide. Why waste my calories on something that is loaded with unhealthy fats, lots of sodium and a ton of calories? However, this pregnancy has had me craving salty foods, especially tortilla chips! Go figure!

Green Giant sent me two of their newest chip creations: Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips-Garden Ranch flavor and Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips-Barbecue flavor. Since I have been craving salty foods, I was anxious to give them a try, especially since they are a more healthier option.

Green Giant Snack Chips

When the package arrived, my husband, Keenan and I immediately opened it and tried them. I have to say I was  pleasantly surprised with the tortilla chips. The flavor and saltiness was great. We dipped them in salsa and also paired them with slices of cheddar cheese, and both combos were good!

Green Giant Tortilla Chips

Since I love sweet potatoes, I was intrigued with their sweet potato chips, but I have to say, I wasn’t a big fan of the barbecue flavor, nor the texture of the chips. In my opinion, they were a little thin and didn’t resemble regular potato chips. Keenan loved this flavor and the texture didn’t bother him, but my husband and I both preferred the tortilla chips.

Green Giant Barbecue Sweet Potato Chips

Would I go out and buy these? When I get that craving for tortilla chips, I would definitely buy the tortilla ones, for a slightly more healthier option. I say “slightly more healthier,” because I was a little disappointed with the ingredient list. I was hoping to see more “healthful ingredients” and a minimal list, but the chips still contained lots of  preservatives and fillers. I buy 95% whole foods, so if I am going to purchase a “processed food,” I like it to contain as few ingredients as possible and wholesome ones.

Overall, I was impressed with Green Giant’s products and I’m glad to see the direction they are taking in providing some healthier snack options!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.