I can’t believe it’s already Monday and tonight we have Keenan’s preschool orientation and tomorrow is the “meet and greet” for the kids to see the school and meet their teacher.Time flies by WAY too fast! It’s already bad enough that the weekends go by way too quickly, but now that Keenan starts preschool next week, time is flying by at light speed! Does anyone else feel that way? Tears aside that my little boy is growing up, we had a marvelous weekend!

MiMM MIMM #65 with Froyo, Date Night, and More!

Before I go into our weekend, I have to say that I hardly took any pictures. I took a break from blogging and taking pictures this weekend to just focus on the present, cherish the moments and enjoy my family. Sometimes, you just need to do that!

Anyhow, marvelous is…

Keenan deciding (all by himself) that he wasn’t going to wear pull ups at bedtime anymore and wearing his underwear at night all weekend with no accidents! After hearing that his friend wears underwear at night, I think it motivated him to do the same, which I’m completely happy about!

Pull ups

Not making dinner all weekend! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE to cook, but sometimes it is nice to have a break and not have to plan a meal!

On Friday night, my husband and I had an “at home date night” and he made a delicious dinner of Savory Zucchini Carrot Pancakes with a fried egg on top with a little a lot of ranch and hot sauce on top (leave it to my husband to overdo it on the ranch)! They were SO good and the best part is that we have lots of leftover pancakes that I saved in the freezer for another night (or breakfast)!

Zucchini Carrot Pancakes

Having some “me” time on Saturday with a mini-facial and a appointment, along with a little shopping at HomeGoods. I just love that store!

Saturday night, we ordered pizza and had a “family movie night” for the first time. We watched my husband’s favorite Disney movie, Robinhood. Keenan sat through the whole thing (with popcorn in hand, of course!) until the last 15 minutes or so, but he kept asking questions throughout the movie, so I know he enjoyed it!

On Sunday afternoon we went to my parents’ house to swim and stayed for a lovely dinner of grilled steaks, my mom’s wonderful broiled zucchini, baked potatoes and salad. It was all SO good, as always! I wish I took a picture of all of the delicious food because my mom is a fabulous cook!

Thanks, Katie, for hosting another Marvelous In My Monday!

That’s it for today. I hope you all had a marvelous weekend!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

Do you ever feel like you want to freeze time?