I can’t believe it has almost been 5 weeks since I posted my last pregnancy update. Time just got away from me, especially spending my days with a very active three year old! To keep things consistent and provide a reminder for me to take pictures of my growing belly, I’m going to start posting an update every two weeks going forward.

Things are definitely different with this pregnancy than they were with Keenan. With him, I was so focused on my pregnancy throughout the nine months, reading anything and everything about pregnancy and babies. With this pregnancy, I receive the weekly Babycenter updates, but other than that, I haven’t done much reading (it’s all review anyways, right?). Since my days are full of taking care of Keenan, there isn’t much time to really think about this pregnancy and baby on the way, as much as I’d like to. Things seem to be moving much faster (which I here move even faster with baby #3!), not to mention I’m showing much earlier!

Despite things being busy, I’m going to do my best to truly savor this pregnancy and cherish each moment like I did when I was pregnant with Keenan. The kisses and hugs that Keenan gives my belly have been some of the best moments during this pregnancy so far, and I can’t wait for him to feel his baby brother or sister kicking! We are all super excited for this baby to come into the world and I really love being pregnant! Now that my belly has finally popped (and I don’t just look like a stuffed sausage), I love wearing my maternity clothes and showing off my belly! Pregnancy is a beautiful thing!

15 Weeks Pregnant

Latest cravings: Breakfast sandwiches with egg whites, avocado, tomatoes and cheese, roasted potatoes, salty foods (especially roasted salted almonds), chips, trail mix, dried fruit, bacon, burgers and hearty salads. Desserts have been hit or miss. Keenan’s ice cream cake was good, but the thought of it doesn’t sound too appetizing now. But, I made banana bars yesterday and I can’t get enough of them!

Eating: The queasiness of not eating enough protein has gone away, but I still need to eat every few hours otherwise I start to feel it, along with a headache. The whole food issue of things sounding good, but not tasting good has gone away, too (thank goodness!). 

Feelings: My energy is slightly better. I’m still tired, especially in the mornings, but I’m not as exhausted as I used to be. In the first few weeks I was taking naps almost daily when Keenan slept. Now, I take a nap a couple times a week when I don’t sleep well the night before. However (nap or not), I’m completely exhausted and ready for bed between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m.!

Skin: The acne on my chin does not want to go away. I thought it was getting better, but now it looks like it has gotten worse. It’s driving me crazy, because nothing seems to help! I feel like I’ve tried every product out there that is safe to use during pregnancy and still, nothing works. With Keenan, I had a little bit of acne the first 12 weeks, but after that, it magically disappeared and I had glowing skin. I’m not sure why things are different this time around! Some people have said it is because I’m having a girl, but I’ve known women who had terrible pregnancy acne and had girls, so who knows!

Weight: At my last appointment at 11 weeks, I gained 5 pounds, but I haven’t weighed myself since. We have our next prenatal appointment on Thursday, so I’m curious to see where it is at.

Workouts: I’m still doing CrossFit in my backyard 4 days a week (though last week it was only three times) while our garage gym is being built. The gym should be finished in a couple of weeks, so I’m anxious to do pull ups, cleans, dead lifts and squats with a loaded barbell! Also, I’ve been doing the dance workouts on Just Dance 4 with Keenan a couple times a week.

Forgetfulness: I still have a big case of mommy brain! If I don’t write it down, I forget it. My husband is always teasing me about this, but I can’t do anything about it!


If you have been pregnant, did you suffer from pregnancy acne? If so, did you find anything that helped clear it up? I’m desperate!

If you have been pregnant more than once, what was different about each pregnancy?