We are in week four of playing Just Dance 4, as part of the Just Dance Just Sweat Dream Team, and we are going strong! Our little “Mommy-Son Doo-Wop” team is continuing to have a blast as we try new dances and dance workouts. I can tell Keenan loves playing the game because he continues to ask me when we can play it almost daily (which has been as soon as he wakes up in the morning!).

Here is how week four went (you can see that my dancing skills are a little less frantic, at least I like to think so!)…

As we continue to play more of the game, we are able to unlock new dances and each one has gotten faster, more complicated and more intense overall. I have to say, I’m continually surprised at how much of a workout you get by doing several dances in a row or selecting a couple of the dance workouts. After doing two intense 10 minute dance workouts the other day, I was sweating bullets! It was a perfect quick little workout, which was exactly what I needed, since I didn’t have a lot of time. Keenan is continuing to have fun, and I love that we can do it together!

Just Dance Just Sweat Dream Team

As for my metrics, I am 17 weeks pregnant and my belly is definitely growing! I had my last prenatal appointment two weeks ago and I have gained a total of 12 pounds so far (which is right in the normal weight gain range). I feel good and my fitness level continues to remain high with dancing and keeping up with CrossFit.

If you want to check out my fellow team members’ progress, especially since they are tracking actual metrics of weight loss, body fat loss, etc., make sure to check out the Just Sweat Dream Team board!

That’s it for today. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more dancing updates and posts!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.