I can’t believe I’m already 18 weeks, almost half-way through my pregnancy! I meant to post an update last week to stay consistent every two weeks, but time got away from me, yet again. The weeks are just flying by! Next week we go in for our final ultrasound and although it is tempting to find out the gender, we are going to let it be a surprise. We figure there are few surprises left in life, so why not wait until our baby is born?
Since my last pregnancy update, I have been doing my best to savor this pregnancy and cherish each moment. I’m starting to feel the little flutters and twinges here and there, which makes things even more real (not that they weren’t before). Keenan keeps asking when he can feel the baby move, so hopefully in another couple of weeks he will be able to feel his baby brother or sister kick!
I’m definitely getting bigger and fitting into my maternity clothes better! Now, I just wish Fall would get here already, so I can start wearing some of my new finds that I picked up in Oregon while we were visiting our friends!
Latest cravings: Sweets! In the past two weeks all I have wanted after dinner is something sweet, but not just a piece of fruit (like I would have had if I wasn’t pregnant!). I’ve been craving soft chunky cookies, bread pudding, decadent desserts, pie and peach cobbler (which I finally made this morning–I’ll share more about it tomorrow!). Unfortunately, I haven’t had all of these delicious things in my house, so I’ve been mainly dreaming about them. I’m hoping to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies later this week to curb this craving! In addition, I’m still craving salty foods, roasted potatoes and bacon!
Eating: Things are good. I still have to snack every few hours, but luckily no queasiness.
Feelings: Energy is much better! I’m still tired here and there, but it’s not constant like it was in the first trimester. Also, I’m definitely more emotional these days, as my husband likes to tell me! I can’t help it, it’s the hormones!
Skin: After trying some new products, the acne on my chin has finally started to get better. I still get a few blemishes here and there, but they seem to go away a lot sooner! Now, I just have to figure out how to get rid of all of the dark brown/red spots left from all of the blemishes I had!
Weight: I have gained a total of 12 pounds so far. I can’t remember how much I weighed with Keenan at this point, but I think it was about the same. I have another prenatal appointment next week, so I’m curious to see how much more I have gained.
Workouts: I’m still doing WODs in my backyard (while our garage gym is still not finished!) four times a week with a couple Just Dance 4 sessions with Keenan. I feel good!
Dreams: I have been having some CRAZY dreams! Prior to being pregnant, I never really remembered my dreams, but these are all so vivid that I remember every last detail like they actually happened. It is so weird! I don’t remember having any dreams when I was pregnant with Keenan.
Are you a dreamer? If so, do you remember them when you wake up in the morning?
If you have been pregnant (or are currently), what was/is your weirdest craving?
oh my goodness! That picture of Keenan with the belly is amazing!!!
Thank you! My husband and I couldn’t stop laughing because he was so serious about having a belly, too!
The picture with Keenan is adorable! You look great!
Thank you!
McDonald’s french fries. That’s not particularly “weird” I guess, but the craving was intense! I swear they got to know me at the drive-thru. It was especially bad toward the end of the pregnancy. It HAD to be those fries. I’m not sure how I didn’t gain 50 pounds. Other than that I’d just have these moments where I HAD to have something. Like a muffin. I cried once because there were no muffins in the house 🙂
I’ve been craving french fries or thick potato wedges, too! I really think it is the salt that I’m just craving for some reason. Yes, I’ve definitely been there with crying over something silly or for no particular reason!
My weirdest craving was “white” pop…something I never even liked until I was pregnant
What is “white” pop? Do you mean 7 up or Sprite? We use soda in California, so I always forget “pop” is used in other parts of the states!
Oh that picture with you and Keenan is precious! I am really hoping that my crazy dreams go away soon!! I mean, seriously?!
I wish I had the strength to not find out what I’m having, but I’m too big of a control freak!!
Thank you! Yes, I wish the crazy dreams would go away!
I love the double pregnancy (Keenan and you). Very cute.
Thank you, mom.