Happy Monday (although I’m not quite ready for the week to start)!

Our friends got married on Saturday and had a lovely wedding. My husband did a great job officiating their wedding and everything went smoothly. It was a fun evening and I’m so happy for our friends! They are such a cute couple!

You will have to excuse the grainy pictures; it was an iphone weekend, since I didn’t have my camera with me.

My husband and me

Having a wonderful time at the wedding; I just wish the quality of the picture was better!

The weekend was marvelous, starting out with the rehearsal on Friday, followed by a little girls’ time of shopping with my good friend while our significant others went to Low BrauΒ (in midtown Sacramento)Β for some beer!

The weekend was even more marvelous celebrating our friend’s big day on Saturday evening and going to the bride and grooms’ house to decorate it for their first night as a married couple!

Photo booth pictures

We all had a little too much fun with the photo booth!

On Sunday, a good friend of my husbands’ came over to visit and stay the night.. We hadn’t seen him in a long time, so it was good to catch up and enjoy his company. Keenan loved having “Uncle Peter” here, in fact while he was saying goodbye to him this morning, he asked when he was going to come back. It was too cute!

That’s that. I have a lot to catch up on (i.e. laundry, cleaning and dishes) since things were so busy this weekend, so I better get going, especially since I only have a little bit of time before I need to pick up Keenan!

Thanks, Katie, for hosting another Marvelous In My Monday!

MiMM MIMM #70 with a Big Rubber Duck and Family Getaway!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

Do you ever feel unprepared to start the week because you were so busy during the weekend?