I can’t believe it is the end of the Just Dance Just Sweat Dream Team campaign. Boy, did the months fly by and my belly certainly got bigger, ha!

Here is how our final week went…

Keenan, my husband and I have had a great time playing Just Dance 4 over the past couple of months and Just Dance 2014 the past two weeks. It has been a fun family activity for all of us to do together, as well as getting some exercise! If you follow my blog, you know I’m a big advocate for involving the whole family in fitness. As parents, we are the most influential models for our children, so practicing and modeling a healthy lifestyle is vital. If your kids see you making the time to workout, eat healthy foods and take care of yourself, then they are more likely to join in and grow up to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, too. We not only involve Keenan in the grocery shopping by having him help pick out the fresh produce, naming them along the way and cooking, but I love including him in daily physical activity.

Just Dance Just Sweat Dream Team 2014

Aside from him seeing me do CrossFit in our backyard (and soon-to-be finished garage gym), we take family bike rides, walks, jogs and play outside on a regular basis, in addition to dancing together the past couple of months, thanks to Ubisoft for selecting me for this wonderful opportunity. Even if I wasn’t selected, I would probably purchase the Just Dance game because it is so much fun and such a wonderful way for all of us to be active together (if I’d seen it reviewed by someone besides my husband).

As far as metrics go, I am 23 weeks pregnant, and as you can see, there is a big difference from when we first started playing the game two months ago. On our first day of playing the game in August, I was 14 weeks pregnant and sporting a small bump and still fitting into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Now, I have a big belly and I’m certainly filling out my maternity clothes! I’m not sure exactly how much weight I’ve gained to-date since my next prenatal appointment is tomorrow, but as of two weeks ago, I gained a total of seventeen pounds, still within the healthy weight range. I feel strong and have a lot of energy (well, as much as I can with an active preschooler!) and I’m still doing CrossFit four times a week. I hope to continue to stay as active as I possibly can throughout the rest of my pregnancy to prepare myself for the big day and also help my body get back into my pre-pregnancy shape once the baby is born.

Just Dance Just Sweat Dream Team 2014

If you want to check out my fellow team members’ results, since they have tracked actual metrics of weight loss, body fat loss, etc., make sure to visit the Just Sweat Dream Team board!

That’s a wrap. Thanks for following my journey over the last couple of months and thanks again, Ubisoft!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.