Happy Friday!

In case you missed yesterday’s post, you MUST watch the short video I posted, especially if you are a mom! It brought tears to my eyes.

Anyhow, I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week! This year is going by WAY too fast. I’m looking forward to a weekend at home doing things around the house and getting ready to host all of our family next Thursday. Fortunately, everyone is bringing a dish, so we don’t have too much to cook, but there’s still cleaning and getting the house ready! I’m just thankful we have the room to fit everyone comfortably this year. We made it work in our old house, but it was rather cramped, to say the least!

Since it’s Friday, it is time for our weekly Friday Favorites! If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life, reflect back on the week and cherish some your favorite moments, eats and/or workouts. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites by linking up below!

Favorite Moment(s):

If you follow me on instagram, you probably already saw a picture of our garage gym finally finished! We still have to add a few things to the walls and move into our office (the room behind the closed door), but at least it’s a fully functioning gym to workout in!!

Crossfit home gym


Seeing Keenan and my niece have so much fun playing together last night! They were the “ooga booga train,” parading through the kitchen while we were getting dinner on the table. It was too cute!


Favorite Eat(s):

One of my favorite go-to crock pot meals, Mexican Chicken in the Crockpot!

Mexican Chicken in the Crock Pot

Favorite Workout:

My first “official” workout in our newly finished garage gym using a barbell (which I haven’t used since June when we were still living in Sacramento). This isn’t the prettiest picture, but before I did the workout below, I had to try a few overhead squats to see how they felt!

Overhead squat while 27 weeks pregnant

Adapted from Crossfit.com


Back squat (65 lb.)

Shoulder press (65 lb.)

Kettlebell deadlift (70 lb)

It’s funny, I thought the workout would be easy, since I used to back squat 180-190 lbs pre-pregnancy and press 85-90 lbs, but boy, was it challenging! I don’t know if it was the lack of barbell work for the past 5 months or the fact that I’m carrying a baby (or both!).

Have a wonderful weekend!

REMINDER: Don’t forget to enter my Mother’s Therapy Organics Giveaway for a chance to win a family pack of the best smelling all-natural hand sanitizers! Contest ends Monday!

It’s YOUR turn! What were some of your favorite moments, eats or workouts from this past week? Join the link up, or share some of them below in the comments!
