Happy Monday!

Before I go into today’s post, the winner of the Mother’s Therapy Organics giveaway is: Maryann Drapkin! Please send me your contact information so you can receive your pack of hand sanitizers!

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a nice weekend spending time with my brother and niece who were in town from Montreal, but we were very sad to see them go today. Luckily, they will be back, along with my sister-in-law and youngest niece  in four weeks for Christmas! I can’t wait!! I’m excited we have a short week this week, due to Thanksgiving on Thursday and my husband will be off for a couple of days, but I have a lot to do to get ready (since we are hosting this year)! With that being said, I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet, so I can start cleaning the house while Keenan is at preschool. Being that it is Monday, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday to share some highlights from our weekend. MiMM #MIMM #76 Hashtag Style Marvelous is… Family! Keenan loves my brother and his cousin so much!

Family is forever

Seeing Keenan and my niece having so much fun dancing together at our local high school’s jazz dinner dance on Saturday.


Keenan LOVING hot sauce! He actually calls it “his hot sauce” and gets upset if someone else wants to use it. He pretty much asks to put it on everything!

Cholulua hot sauce

This wonderful meal of Savory Zucchini Carrot Swiss Chard Pancakes, a fried egg and sauteed carrots with feta cheese and pine nuts that my husband made last night even when he has not been feeling well the past two days. I love him so much!

Savory Zucchini Carrot Pancakes

That’s a wrap. Have a great Monday!


What was one marvelous thing about your weekend?

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?