With Thanksgiving tomorrow and Christmas only four weeks away (I know, I just said that!), I thought I would put together a few simple healthy holiday eating tips to help you survive the two biggest eating occasions of the year.

I love the holidays, especially all of the special foods and goodies that are made during this time of year, i.e. pumpkin cheesecake or pie, gingerbread, my moms to-die-for candy, candied walnuts, egg nog, pumpkin spice lattes and all of the yummy baked goods. But, eating all of those delicious things can wreck havoc on your healthy eating routine, especially if you are trying to maintain your weight and not gain the typical holiday pounds that tend to creep up. My motto has always been everything in moderation, because you can’t live life depriving yourself. Life is all about cherishing the little things, including wonderful holiday foods that are only made once a year!

Six Simple Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

1. Snack: Prior to going to your family gathering tomorrow, have a small snack with some protein and a little carbs, such as a handful of almonds or one ounce of cheese and an apple. This way, you won’t be starving when you arrive and want to eat everything in sight.

2. Don’t Fast: Much to popular belief, fasting all day to save up your calories until the big meal is actually counterproductive. It only slows your metabolism which can actually make your body hold onto the weight. Also, you will be SO hungry, that you will most likely over indulge, eating way more than you would have if you didn’t fast.

3. Eat light throughout the day: Don’t skip any meals on the day of your big feast. Eat lighter, small meals at your normal times. For example, instead of having a big breakfast, have a lighter one (something that doesn’t contain as much calories, but is still loaded with protein, fruit/veggies and a little carbs).

4. Portion control: When you sit down for the big feast, remember the portion size rule. Serve yourself a small handful size portion of everything and don’t go back for second helpings. Even if you think you are still hungry or might want more of something, save yourself for dessert and have a small slice or a few small bites of different desserts, so you don’t feel deprived. We tend to eat with our eyes instead of our stomachs, so having just a small portion will be enough.

5. Slow down: Enjoy the meal, slow down when you are eating and truly savor each bite. Enjoy the time you are spending with your loved ones and share your weight loss successes to maybe spur one of them in establishing a New Year’s resolution!

6. Exercise: If you have time, fit in a workout before your big feast. If not, plan to workout the day after! I always plan to workout the day before and the day after, since the day of the holiday is usually too busy.

Since it’s Wednesday and today’s post is all about eating, I’m also linking up with Jenn, for What I Ate Wednesday!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow (for those of you who celebrate it)! I’ll see you all on Friday with a new home CrossFit workout to burn off all of those turkey calories!!


What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

How do you stay healthy during the holidays? 

What food are you most looking forward to eating tomorrow?