Happy New Year’s Eve! I still can’t believe Christmas is over and New Years is already here. This past year has flown by and I can only imagine how much faster 2014 is going to go, especially with our new addition arriving in less than two months! 2013 was certainly a busy year for us…

We moved back to my hometown.

Found out we are expecting baby #2 in February 2014!

Peanut at 13 weeks!

Keenan turned three and started preschool!

First Day of Preschool

Reached my one year blogiversary and started building my wellness coaching and personal training business.

Adopting a puppy and a kitty!

Puppy and Kitty

I look forward to seeing what 2014 brings (aside from our new addition)! In the meantime, I’ve put together a few goals and/or intentions for the New Year. I’m not big on setting New Year resolutions, but I do believe in setting a few realistic, obtainable goals as guidelines for the year.

Here are my intentions for 2014:

1. Get back into shape (after baby #2 arrives) by gradually working my way back to my fitness level prior to becoming pregnant.

2. Adjust to a new routine with two kids.

3. Start my wellness coaching and personal training business.

4. Achieve a better balance of family, blogging and working on my business.

5. Live more in the present, taking time to cherish each and every moment with my family and learning to let go of always having to cross things off my to-do list.


What are some of your goals and/or intentions for 2014?

How was your 2013?