Happy Hump Day!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a regular What I Ate Wednesday post, because to be honest, I haven’t been good at taking pictures of my meals lately. I’m not sure if the lack of pictures is due to prego brain, or being in a hurry to get food on the table for Keenan, who always seems to be hungry these days.

Peas and Crayons

Fortunately, I finally remembered to take pictures of all of my meals yesterday, so here is a typical day of eats from Tuesday…


Quinoa veggie scramble using leftovers from last night’s dinner (broccoli chicken stir-fry over quinoa).

Quinoa veggie scramble


A HUGE “everything but the kitchen sink salad” loaded with carrots, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, wax peppers, chicken, turkey and sprouted sunflower seeds that was SOOOO satisfying!

Everything but the kitchen sink salad


My latest addiction: peanut butter filled pretzels that were inhaled before I remembered to take a picture, oops!


My favorite go-to quick dinner: Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl

Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl

Thanks, Jenn, for hosting another lovely WIAW! Be sure to check out her blog for all of her delicious eats!


What does a typical day of eats look like for you?

What is your favorite go-to quick dinner?