Look who’s two months old already! I can’t believe how fast the past 8 weeks have gone…crazy!

2 month old baby girl

Since Mirella was born, I have thought a lot about my blog and where I want to go from here, especially since I don’t have as much time to devote to it now. I love blogging and reading other blogs, but I also don’t want it to become “work,” feeling like a chore and taking time away from my family. It has been nice the past 2 months to just focus on my family and not worry or stress about blogging, but I have missed it. I don’t want to give up all of the hard work I have put into my blog, but I also don’t want it to consume all of my free time (especially since it’s so limited these days!). I’ve decided to cut back and only post 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). I know there will be some weeks where I only have time to post twice, and I’m okay with that. I don’t want to feel guilty for not posting. My family is my priority and blogging is just a fun outlet for me to write about what I love, connect with other bloggers and readers. I have to admit that cutting back is kind of “freeing” in a way. I look forward to continuing my blog in a lighter capacity without the “blogger’s guilt” when I don’t post anything, and just having fun with it!

Speaking of fun, we had a marvelous weekend enjoying beautiful weather that ended on a wonderful note with Mirella’s baptism. The pictures didn’t turn out so well, but here’s at least one taken with my mom before we went to the church.

baby girl baptism

Mirella was a champ and didn’t fuss the entire time (especially since she doesn’t enjoy her baths)!

baby girl baptism

With that, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday today. Have a good one!

MiMM MIMM  #92 A Weekend Full Of Gratefulness


Have you had to cut back or say no to something Β in order to have more time with your family or more “me time?”

What was marvelous about your weekend?