Happy Monday!

I’m sorry I was a little MIA last week, but there have been so many things around the house that I needed to catch up on that blogging was put on the back burner.

Anyhow, I’m back and before I get into today’s post, I want to remind you that there is still time to enter the Norwex giveaway to win an awesome microfiber kitchen scrubbing  cloth, natural dishwashing liquid and laundry detergent! I LOVE the Norwex microfiber cloths because they clean so well with only water (since they are naturally antibacterial) and it makes my job that much easier! So, make sure to enter the giveaway, as it ends tomorrow! Also, if you don’t want to wait for the giveaway, you can order directly through my friend’s site, as she has set up a little online hostess part for me. I promise you won’t be disappointed with any of the Norwex products. I actually just purchased another Envirocloth to use on my toliets and some kitchen cloths for everyday cleaning. They are THAT good!

Since I only have a short amount of time before Mirella and Keenan wake up from their nap, I’ll keep today’s post short and sweet. Besides, I failed as a blogger and forgot to take any pictures from this weekend, sorry!

But, I’m excited and proud to say that we transitioned Mirella into her crib (in her own room) last week and she has been doing great! I have to admit it was kind of bittersweet moving her out of our room. It still feels like yesterday when she was born and now she is almost 3 months old! My little girl is growing up too fast.

Since she has been in her own room, my husband and I have been sleeping better and she has been sleeping longer, thus giving us 5-6 hours and then another 3!! So, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel in regards to sleeping through the night. I’m finally feeling human again with a solid stretch of 5 hours! You know you are a parent when a solid (uninterrupted) 5 hours of sleep makes you feel like a million bucks!

Before I go, I came across this and I thought it was definitely appropriate…

Because it’s Monday and it’s a marvelous one, especially since I got a solid 5 hours of sleep, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday!

MiMM MIMM #95  On the Move, Yoga Filled, and Heart Opening Weekend

That’s it for now. Have a great day and make sure to enter the Norwex giveaway!!


Did you do anything fun over the weekend? 

For all of the veteran mommies, when you do transfer your child/children to their own room?