I hope everyone had a nice weekend kicking off the start of June (can you believe it?)! This was the first weekend in a LONG time that we didn’t have a gazillion things to do or places to be. The only thing planned was a family friends’ graduation party on Saturday that was in walking distance to our house.

To start the weekend off to a relaxing stressful start, my iphone died AND our internet stopped working. At first, I was REALLY annoyed, especially since my phone is less than a year old and up until this past weekend, our internet service has been excellent. But (a big but!), after taking a deep breath and thinking about it, it was kind of a blessing in disguise. It actually felt “freeing” to not have a phone or internet access. It forced my husband and I to unplug all weekend and truly enjoy some quality family time without any interruptions!

Now that my husband is working for my family’s farm, he doesn’t get weekends off, only Sundays with the occasional Saturday here and there, so not being “connected to the interwebs,” as my husband likes to say, was the perfect excuse to enjoy a nice impromptu staycation on Sunday. After getting some projects done around the house, we enjoyed some fun family time playing outside, followed by a BBQ and ending with family movie night watching “How To Train Your Dragon.” It was the perfect day and MUCH needed since things have been a little chaotic adjusting to my husband’s new schedule. Next time, we are going to do this for a couple of days!

So, here are my 5 tips for a great Staycation…

 5 tips for a great staycation


Have you had a staycation? If so, what did you do?