Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s August 1st already! Keenan will be turning four in a couple of weeks, YIKES!

Anyhow, I’ve received a few questions in regards to frozen yogurt vs. ice cream (if one is healthier than the other) lately and I thought today would be a good day to discuss it.  Towards the end of my pregnancy with Keenan, all I wanted was froyo or ice cream since it was so hot, and I was so miserable. I LOVE both and I could eat either one on a daily basis (probably gelato more than anything, but that’s another discussion!) if I allowed myself, but everything in moderation, right?



When it is warm outside, having a frozen treat, such as ice cream or frozen yogurt is a wonderful way to cool off, but which one is healthier for you? Or does it matter? It seems that more and more frozen yogurt and boutique ice cream shops are popping up everywhere, and each one claims they are healthier for you, or since their products are made from scratch and organic ingredients, it is the better choice, or is it?

Ice Cream is made from milk, cream, eggs, sugar and any flavoring. There are some store bought varieties, such as Dreyers Slow-Churned Light ice cream, that are made with Splenda or other sweetners to decrease the amount of fat and calories. At ice cream stores, such as Baskin-Robbins and Coldstone, most of their ice cream flavors are made with sugar and whole milk, offering very minimal light or low-fat choices. The average amount of calories in regular, whole fat ice cream is 250 calories per ½ cup. If you are like most people, you probably consume more than ½ cup, especially if you get a scoop from an ice cream shop. For light ice creams, such as Dreyers Slow-Churned, the average amount of calories is 120 per half cup.

But, calories are not everything and if you are going to splurge, having a little bit of the “real deal” as I say, is not going to hurt you. It is all of the toppings that can quickly add up in the calorie department. But, ice cream does contain calcium and roughly four grams of protein per one cup,  which is not too shabby. There are also many ice creams made from coconut and almond milk that pact a lot of nutrition (lots of healthy fats) and less sugar for those following certain diets.

Frozen yogurt is made from yogurt (which is fermented, by adding live bacterial cultures to the milk), instead of cream. Sugar or another sweetener is added, in addition to any flavoring. Since frozen yogurt is made from yogurt, instead of cream, it contains less fat and calories than ice cream. In addition, since it’s fermented, it contains live bacteria (probiotics) that help digestion and enhance the body’s immune system. The average amount of calories is about 120 (for vanilla) per ½ cup, but who follows the proper portions when stopping-in at your local frozen yogurt shop?  What about the toppings? I don’t know about you, but I love to get a topping, (preferably almonds) which quickly adds additional calories, but also nutrition. It just depends on what you get. Froyo also contains calcium and about four grams of protein per one cup, just like ice cream.

In the end, frozen yogurt does come out as a healthier option than regular, whole-fat ice cream, due to the nutritional benefits of the probiotics in the yogurt, as well as having less fat and calories overall (if that is something that matters to you). But, if you are watching your calories on a daily basis, it all comes down to the portion size, regardless of what you are eating. For example, if you have a humongous portion of frozen yogurt topped with brownie bites, you are most likely consuming twice or triple the amount of calories as one small scoop of regular, whole fat ice cream. With that being said, does it really matter if you are having frozen yogurt or ice cream?

My bottom-line (and motto): enjoy everything in moderation, but keep your portion sizes in check. I love to have an ice cream cone here and there or some froyo from our favorite local shop for an afternoon treat in the Summer. I enjoy every bit of it because I know I’m not going to have it for a while. It’s not something I eat every single day, so in the grand scheme of things, it’s not going to wreck havoc on my healthy eating plan. I’d rather indulge in the real deal than depriving myself and having a “substitute” and only wanting the real thing even more.


What is your favorite frozen treat…froyo, ice cream, gelato, milkshakes, etc?

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream, froyo or gelato?