Is it just me, or do the holidays seem to get busier and busier every year? Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of year…the cold and rainy weather, hot cocoa, pumpkin lattes, gingerbread and Christmas music, but with so many things to do, it’s hard to slow down and truly enjoy the moment. I always tell myself to forget about my long to-do list and just enjoy the present, but it is much easier said than done. Being more in the present is something that I am continually working on, especially during this holiday season with so many fun things happening.



Here are three ways that I’m challenging myself to slow down this holiday season and cherish each and every minute of it (no matter how hectic things get!)…

1. Let it go! Instead of stressing over getting everything done, such as Christmas cards sent out, homemade holiday gifts made and photo books finished, I’ve cut myself some slack and decided to do what I can (without staying up super late and sacrificing my health to finish it all ). We usually make candied walnuts and homemade pasta sauce that we give to our friends for gifts. I’ve made the walnuts, but with every weekend being booked until Christmas, I don’t think I’ll have time to make my pasta sauce and can it. Instead of beating myself up about not making my sauce, I’m okay with it! Maybe the pasta sauce will be a New Year’s gift?!

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff. I eat healthy 90% of the time with the occasional indulgences 10% of the time. With the holidays comes lots of wonderful goodies that only come once a year, making it challenging to avoid. Instead of stressing about it, I allow myself to splurge here and there (like having a cup of decadent hot cocoa and homemade marshmallows last night from a local chocolate shop) throughout this holiday season, especially if it’s something I know I won’t get until next year. To not feel guilty, I’m making sure to not miss a workout. No matter how busy things get, I’m still working out 5 days a week with a couple of “double days.” I know I’m not going to allow myself to go overboard, so giving in to the seasonal goodies on occasion is okay.

3. Stop. Breathe. Relax. In the grand scheme of things, does stressing about getting everything done really matter? No! I constantly tell myself to stop stressing and just enjoy the moment. I’m trying to soak up all of the fun holiday moments with my family…playing Christmas carols on the piano and singing to them, having a dance party to holiday songs with Mirella and Keenan, looking at Christmas lights, watching Christmas movies, making gingerbread cookies and overall, just enjoying the season. It’s the little things that matter the most!

On another note, congrats to Heidi Robbins for winning the $25 credit!!


How do you slow down and stay calm during the busy holiday season?