Happy Friday! I’m excited for the weekend because I’m heading to my parents’ house today to spend the night and enjoy a girls’ day with my mom, tomorrow. We are getting pedicures and then doing some shopping, one of our favorite things to do together! My husband and Keenan are heading to his parents’ house later today to spend the day with his mom, tomorrow. When we first got married, we established a tradition of spending the entire weekend with our own moms. Now that we have Keenan, we spend the day before with our respective mothers, and on Mother’s Day, it is just the three of us.

My husband asked me what I wanted to do on Sunday, and since the weather has been so nice, lately (not too hot yet), I thought it would be fun to take a day trip to a small town near us, ride bikes around the lake there, and have a picnic. Oh, and before we head out, we are planning to stop by Doughbot, a gourmet doughnut shop in downtown Sacramento that serves unique flavors such as s’more, carrot cake, berry cheesecake, dulce de leche, creme brulee, lemon lavender, peanut butter and jelly, rosemary lemon poppy, cacao, maple bacon and chocolate bacon. They even serve vegan doughnuts. I’m not typically a doughnut fan (especially that they are not the healthiest treat), but after reading an article about them recently, I was very intrigued! It’s Mother’s Day, so why not allow myself to splurge a little?

Since it’s the end of the week, it is time for Friday Favorites! In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fun to do something different this week. Instead of sharing favorite moments and eats from the week, let’s share five favorite things about our moms and our five favorite mommy moments! I hope you will join me and link up below!

Five Favorite Things About My Mom:

1. Her big heart and always being there to listen, offer advice and support.


2. Her love for shopping (which she passed on to me!).

3. Her pasta sauce, chicken scallopini and pies (I really love all of her cooking and baking!).

4. Being a wonderful Nonna to Keenan and my nieces. They all love her so much!

Nonna and Keenan

5. Being a tremendous role model of what I aspire to be, both as a mother and a leader in her community. She always stands up for what is right and doesn’t let anything get in her way.

Five Favorite Mommy Moments:

1. Snuggling with Keenan in his new toddler bed and telling him a story before he goes to sleep (at least attempts to, since we are still working on our bedtime issues!).

2. Listening to Keenan talk to his critters, telling them the same things that my husband and I tell him, such as always saying please and thank you, stay in bed, go to sleep and you always have to wash your hands after going potty!

3. Singing, playing music and dancing together. Speaking of, as I was finishing the dishes and Keenan was playing yesterday morning, we were singing some of his songs from music class and I had to record this.

4. Being the “tickle monster” and hearing Keenan’s belly laugh.

5. My heart melting when I hear Keenan say, “I love you, Mommy!”

Keenan and Mommy

It’s your turn! Link up with five favorite things about your mom and/or your five favorite mommy moments, or share them in the comments below! Have a Happy Mother’s Day!