Ok, so going from one to two kids IS a freaking big deal! Among the excitement of finding out that we were expecting baby #2 and preparing for our little one’s arrival, no one filled us in on what to really expect with our new life of two kids! Here are my reasons as to why having a 2nd child is a really big deal…

brother and sister

 1. Stock up on tissues! It’s tough, exhausting, challenging, emotional, but also very special. I thought the first week after having Keenan was like riding an emotional rollercoaster, but the first week after having my second child was like riding the biggest and most scariest upside down ride in my life. With the immediate drop in hormones after giving birth, I was a mess…happy one minute and weepy the next, even more so than when I had my son. I cried a lot (mostly happy tears!) realizing my life was forever changed again, but seeing how much Keenan adores his little sister fills my heart with so much joy, making it all worth it.

2. Prepare yourself for more mommy guilt! I experienced lots of mommy guilt the first few weeks when I was busy taking care of Mirella and nursing her. My son would get a little impatient (and still does at times!), demanding my attention right in the middle of feeding her when I couldn’t do anything. I would ask him to bring a book or some of his toys so we could “play” or read while I nursed, which helped a little, but he would always ask when I was going to be done so I could play with him (talk about tear jerker and feeling more guilty!). On the flip side, I also struggle with the question of “Am I giving Mirella all the one-on-one attention that she needs?” My time will be forever split between both children, so I’m still working on letting things go and embracing the fact that the mommy guilt never goes away.

3. Hang In There! Does it get better? Of course! It took a couple of months before things started to feel normal again and I had things figured out. Keenan has learned to share me and as Mirella gets older, I’m able to have one-on-one time with him as she naps and vise versa when Keenan is at preschool. Better yet, I even enjoy some “me time” here and there when Mirella takes and afternoon nap and Keenan has quiet time!

4. Embrace Your New Routine! The moment I gave birth to my daughter my life changed (again!) as I knew it. The routine that I had with Keenan was thrown out the window the second we become a family of four. We have a new routine and to be honest, I don’t even remember what life was like with only one child. But, going to the grocery store with only one child is SO much simpler, and to go by yourself is a luxury!

5. Rock Your New Role! Once I mastered my new routine with two kiddos in tow, I started to feel more confident in myself and my new role as a mom of two kids. I surprised myself at how much I could balance (or juggle) things with two kids demanding my attention or needing something. I’ve become a master at helping Keenan after he goes to the bathroom (number 2) while holding Mirella in my other arm, (sorry for the TMI!). Also, while Keenan was helping me prep dinner when Mirella was younger, I would wear her in my moby wrap to meet her needs while her brother loved to be my sous chef. Now, she loves to play “cook cook” with my tupperware and spatulas on the floor by my feet while Keenan and I cook.

I can only imagine what life will be like if we have a third child, but that will have to wait (I get anxiety just thinking about it!).

Also, thank you for all of the great comments and feedback on my new name and site! I’m so excited about this change and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!


If you have two or more kids, do you have anything else to add?

If you have multiple kids, was it harder going from one to two kids or from two to three kids?