I hope everyone’s week is going well. I can’t believe I’m just now getting to writing this post! It has been one heck of a busy over here with cleaning house, taking care of a few things for our new house, going to CrossFit (and getting my bum kicked with a good WOD!) and showing our house to a couple of potential renters. Luckily, Keenan was very helpful in being my “cleaning assistant” today, so we had fun scrubbing his bathtub, cleaning his potty, dusting and vacuuming while dancing and singing! But, now I’m exhausted!

Speaking of my little “cleaning assistant,” guess who transitioned into his toddler bed over the weekend? After Keenan was continuing to climb out of his crib making bedtime even more challenging, we decided to convert his crib into the toddler bed on Saturday (instead of waiting until we move as we originally planned). I still can’t believe that Keenan is no longer in his crib. With his potty training and now the big boy bed, he is growing up way too fast!

Keenan was so excited to help my husband carry the pieces to his room to put together his toddler bed!

Keenan was so excited to help my husband assemble his toddler bed!

Once it was assembled, we told him our “rule” for his bed: he has to stay in it all night and ask us if he can get out. When putting him to bed on Saturday, I told him if he stayed in it the entire night and didn’t get out until he asked us in the morning, he could pick out a pillow the next day. To my pleasant surprise, he stayed in his bed all night, so on Sunday, I took him to Target to find a pillow, as well as a special pillow case (trucks and tractors, of course!). He was thrilled to have his own pillow like my husband and me and excited to sleep on it with all of his critters!

Playing in his bed this morning with "Baba" as his baby! It was too funny!

Playing in his bed this morning with “Baba” as his baby! It was too funny!

Since Saturday’s transition to his toddler bed, bedtime has been a little easier, but Keenan still stalls and gets out of his bed a few times before settling down. In fact tonight, he went down fine, but as soon as I left the room, he was out of his bed, telling me he was waking up and needed to go potty (even though he already went). I am hoping with consistency in reminding him of the “rule” for having his toddler bed, and making him get back in it immediately after he gets out, will help bedtime be less challenging. At least I can hope!

I just don’t know what has caused this 360 turn in bedtime. We have always done the same routine after dinner: bath, brush teeth, PJ’s, story time,  prayers and bedtime. Up until a little over a month ago, Keenan went down easily, either falling asleep immediately or talking to his critters before falling asleep. I just don’t know what changed all of a sudden, unless it has to do with him potty training. I have read that when a child masters one new skill, something else can be affected, such as sleep, since they want to continue practicing their newly acquired skill or not disappoint their parents (such as having an accident in their pull-up while sleeping). Either way, I hope this bedtime issue passes soon!

On a more positive note, Keenan FINALLY made a poop in the potty at our house! For some reason, my mom (aka Nonna) has been the  only one who has been able to help him go poop in the potty and at her house, at that. Yesterday, after I put Keenan down for his nap, he called for me. When I went in there, he already made a little poop in his pull-up, but said he needed to make more in the potty. I sat him down on the potty and while I was taking care of his dirty pull-up, he made the rest of his poop in the potty! I was SO excited! I’m hoping that this is the start of him finally feeling comfortable to make all of his number two’s in the potty…

I’m sorry that this has been a long winded post on bedtime and poop, but aside from finding renters for our house, these two things continue to be the main topics of discussion in our household lately!

Before I go, I want to link up with Giselle for her fun Toddler Tuesday! If your haven’t checked out her blog, I highly recommend it, as she has some great recipes and toddler craft ideas!

Have a great rest of your evening (or day)!


– For those of you who have kids, when did you transition them into a toddler or “real” bed? 

-Did you have any issues once your kids were no longer sleeping in their crib? If so, how did you handle them?

– What is your favorite thing to clean in your house (if that is possible)? For some reason, I love vacuuming and mopping; there is just something so satisfying about it! But, I absolutely hate dusting!

*Don’t forget to enter the MIRA Stainless Steel Lunch Box Trio Giveaway! Contest ends Monday, April 29th!