I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! First off, thank you for all those who served in the military or who are actively serving!

memorial day weekend

We had a very busy, but productive weekend , so I’m sorry I was MIA yesterday. Since we have exactly one month (which I’m excited for and stressed all at the same time!) until we move into our new house, we have been busy packing and purging things we no longer use. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate over the years, especially after having a child! Packing and moving are my least favorite things to do , so I’ll be SO glad when we are settled into our new house.

Before all of the packing began, my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful date night on Friday at Revolution Wines in midtown Sacramento, thanks to a great Groupon deal! We ordered a few small plates and a couple glasses of wine that were all delicious. I especially loved their Zin! Sorry, we were too busy talking and enjoying our food and vino that I forgot to take any pictures.

After our meal, we ended the evening with one of the best cappuccinos we have had (even competing with ones we had in Costa Rica and Italy!) at Temple Coffee that is right next door. I had heard about their coffee, but never had a chance to try it, so I was excited to see what everyone has been talking about. Temple sources all of their beans directly from farmers (farm to cup), roasts all of their beans in house, offers monthly classes on coffee making and all of their baristas go through a formal training. You can certainly tell that they take their coffee seriously, treating it as a fine art, and my husband and I can’t wait to go back for more cappuccinos!

SO creamy and good!

SO creamy and good!

On Saturday, we celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday with the Tour de Cluck, a bike ride through Davis (with lots of other activities along the way) to raise funds for the Yolo Farm to Fork’s Davis Farm to School program and the Davis Art Center. We visited several chicken coops and learned about raising chickens, which now my husband and Keenan want to do! We have to move first, get a dog and THEN we can think about getting chickens, ha! Anyhow, we had a blast and the weather was perfect. We also brought my father-in-law donuts from Doughbot, for an extra special treat to start off our morning and everyone loved them.

One of the coops on our stops!

One of the coops on our stops!

Sunday and yesterday were filled with lots of packing and searching for light fixtures and mirrors at IKEA, Home Depot, Lowes, Pier One Imports and finally, we found what we liked, except for two mirrors! Who knew how long it could take to decide on lights and mirrors?

We also enjoyed some yummy new creations over the weekend. After we put Keenan to bed on Saturday and Sunday nights, we made a new Grilled Cabbage Salad, but with chicken and a peanut sauce, as well as a zuchinni “noodle” salad that were both delicious! Look for the recipes to come soon!

The perfect summer salads!

The perfect summer salads!

Well, that’s it for today. Keenan and I have a lot of errands to run for our new house, so I better get a move on (especially if I want to go to CrossFit this morning)! Enjoy your day!


Did you do anything fun over the holiday weekend?

Are you a coffee or wine lover, or both?