Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and a very Happy Mother’s Day for all of you mommies out there!

I had a marvelous weekend with lots to share for today’s Marvelous in My Monday, thanks to the lovely Katie for always hosting!

The weekend started off on Friday by spending a girls’ afternoon of getting pedicures and seeing the movie, The Great Gatsby with my mom. I hadn’t seen a movie in the theater for a long time, so it was nice to be able to do that! We both enjoyed the movie and Leonardo DiCaprio did a fabulous job, as always.

On Saturday, my mom and I enjoyed a day of shopping at the new outlets that opened up in Livermore. As we were driving to the outlets, we both realized that we hadn’t gone shopping together (just the two of us) since before Keenan was born (almost three years ago)…crazy! The other times we went shopping were with Keenan in tow, which was fun, but it made for an entirely different experience. It was so nice to have some one-on-one time with my mom on Friday and Saturday, to be able to catch-up, and enjoy each others’ company without being in a hurry or having to be home at a certain time for dinner or bedtime. It was exactly what both of us needed, and as an added bonus, I was able to find some really good deals at the outlets!

While I was having fun with my mom, Keenan and my husband picked up my mother-in-law and  headed to Lake Almanor to visit a friend. When I asked Keenan what he did, his response was,”I played a lot, did art projects, helped daddy cook dinner and threw rocks in the lake!” He certainly enjoyed himself!

Having fun throwing rocks!

Having fun throwing rocks!

On Sunday, we enjoyed a beautiful day, starting out with the BEST splurge EVER, doghnuts from a gourmet doughnut shop in downtown Sacramento called Doughbot. I was super excited to try their doughnuts (in case you couldn’t tell on Friday), since I recently read an article about them.


Not your ordinary donuts or coffee!


Just as I imagined, their doughnuts were heavenly! I’m not usually a doughnut fan, but Doughbot’s creations were not your ordinary ones. They are truly unique with an array of interesting flavors, in addition to being made from scratch.  Speaking of flavors, there were too many to choose from, but we ended up getting two vegan ones (which they make with almond milk and an egg replacement): rosemary lemon poppy and peanut butter and jelly, as well as a few of their regular ones: s’more, carrot cake, the dude, maple bacon and their doughnut bread pudding.

Doughbot donuts

The delicious assortment!

My husband placed the order a head of time, since they typically sell out the first couple of hours of opening, so I was surprised at how many he ordered! For the three of us, he got seven doughnuts! At first I didn’t think we would finish them all, but they were just too good, so we devoured them all! You might be wondering how we all felt after consuming so many doughnuts, but surprisingly, we all felt fine. I was definitely full, but not too stuffed, nor did I feel sick, as you probably would when consuming regular donuts. I liked all of the flavors that we tried, but my favorites were definitely peanut butter and jelly and the doughnut bread pudding! Keenan LOVED the dude (a soft doughnut with a Kahlua cream filling and a coffee glaze), because he kept asking for more bites of it! All in all, it was a wonderful treat and well worth every last calorie! I can’t wait to go back (but only get a couple of donuts this time) and try their other flavors!

My favorite, the peanut butter and jelly!

My favorite, the peanut butter and jelly!

After we ate our doughnuts and drank our coffee, we headed to Folsom and biked around the lake (working off all of those calories!) and dipped our feet in the water. Even though it was hot, it was such a gorgeous day and the ride around the lake was beautiful! After our bike ride, we walked around the historical downtown of Folsom and later on enjoyed another tasty treat, gelato, to cool off a bit! It was definitely a day of splurges and lots of sugar, but SO worth it!

A quick stop for pictures!

A quick stop for pictures!

After we put Keenan to bed, my husband made bison burgers topped with grilled bacon, onions, avocado and tomatoes, along with oven-baked sweet potato fries. He enjoyed his burger with a bun while I ate mine wrapped in lettuce, and it was delicious! It was the perfect end to a marvelous day and weekend! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, caring and loving husband!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

For all of you mommies, how did you spend your Mother’s Day?