I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! I can’t believe it was the last weekend of April! This year is flying by too fast! Anyhow, it has been a while since I’ve linked up with Katie for Marvelous In My Monday, so after a productive couple of days, I thought it would be fun to link up!

Before I talk about the weekend, the winner for the MIRA Stainless Steel Lunch Box Trio is: Carla Schmeing Bruns from Real Into! Congrats! Please send me your contact information, so you can receive your trio!

Anyhow, we had a marvelous weekend, starting with a fun Friday of participating in a panel at my alma mater’s career fair. Both my husband and I were invited to attend to talk about our career paths and education. It was weird walking on the high school campus and seeing how much things have changed, not to mention how all of the students look like little kids! Maybe I’m just getting old, but they all look SO young!

After the career fair, my husband and I started our weekend of “new house to-do’s” by looking for paint colors. Since I grew up with beige walls and my husband grew up with a lot of color, we always have difficulty when it comes to deciding on paint. After taking several samples home and testing them on the walls, I think we have finally narrowed our colors down. I always feel so overwhelmed in a paint store, because there are just too many colors to look at! How many shades of red or sand can there really be?

As my husband and I were shopping for paint colors, Keenan was having fun with Nonna. It was cute, as soon as he woke up on Friday, he told us everything that he was going to do that day: feed Lady and Princess (my parents’ dogs), pick up the poo poos, play with the tractors in the sandbox, go for a wagon ride, eat lunch in the fort and play with the water table. He was definitely on a mission to do it all and he certainly did, aside from taking a two hour nap in the afternoon!

Coming inside to play with Nonna's "inside tractors" after playing outside with the ones in the sandbox!

Coming inside to play with Nonna’s “inside tractors” after playing outside with the ones in the sandbox!

On Saturday, after enjoying breakfast and coffee on my parents’ beautiful patio, I enjoyed a wonderful and much needed facial, followed by more errand running for our new house. My husband and I looked at appliances, light fixtures and doors, and by the end of the day, we were both exhausted! We have a good idea of what we want, so hopefully we don’t have to keep looking.

Enjoying breakfast outside on the patio!

Enjoying breakfast outside on the patio yesterday!

To make our weekend even more marvelous, we had two couples who are interested in renting our current house come and see it yesterday. But, we are really excited about one particular couple. They seem like a great fit, so hopefully everything will work out and we will be finished with our search for renters, which makes me rest a little easier!

Speaking of, we have two more couples coming to see our house this afternoon, so I need to finish a few things up and head to CrossFit before they arrive!

But before I go, today has been marvelous, because we enjoyed a fun play date with our good friends at the park after music class this morning. Keenan and his best friend had so much fun swinging together, so I had to end with this picture!

Being silly together!

Being silly together!

Have a great afternoon!


– What was marvelous about your weekend?

– Did you grow up with a lot of color on your walls or was your home mostly white and beige? 

– What color scheme do you currently have in your home?