I hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a nice quiet weekend at home doing odds and ends, running errands, going to IKEA and making a trip to our farmers’ market. Though it was a fun weekend, we did everything BUT what I had originally planned to do…boxing things up for our move. It was such a beautiful weekend that I was not in the mood to pack, especially since Friday night was a little rough with our ongoing bedtime issue.

Speaking of bedtime, I think we finally made some progress on Saturday night and yesterday (keeping my fingers crossed!). I just started reading the book, “Have a New Kid By Friday,” and it talks about giving kids accountability and teaching them that in order to get things that they want, they need to earn them. We started this with Keenan on Friday to see if it would help him to stay in bed at nap and bed times. Since he loves having a little hot chocolate (regular milk mixed with a little cocoa) in the mornings, as well as ice cream for a treat every once in a while, we told him that in order to have those things going forward, he needed to earn them by staying in his bed at nap and bedtimes, as well as being quiet and going to sleep. Also if he got up, his animals would be taken away.

On Friday morning, he asked me for some hot chocolate and I told him, “I’m sorry, you didn’t stay in your bed last night, so there is no hot chocolate today. You can try earning it for tomorrow by staying in your bed at nap and bedtime.” He certainly didn’t like to hear that and started whining, but after a few minutes of me ignoring him, he eventually quieted down and stopped talking about it. Friday night was rough. He got up immediately after I put him to sleep, so I took his animals away and reminded him of the earning bit. But, he continued to get out of his bed multiple times, until falling asleep an hour and a half past his bedtime.

On Saturday, he stayed in his bed for his nap. At bedtime, he got out and just stood at the edge of his room, so we gave him one more opportunity to stay in bed and if not, his animals would be taken away. He got back in his bed immediately, but was not a happy camper. My husband laid down with him, talked about earning things and the importance of doing what we say we are going to do and magically, he stayed in his bed and fell asleep! Last night was even better; he stayed in his bed and fell asleep within 20 minutes. I saw him starting to get out as I was leaving his room, so I reminded him about the animals and earning special things (like the helicopter  he saw at Target over the weekend and REALLY wants) and he remained in his bed. I’m hopeful that things are getting better, but I’m still taking things day-by-day.

Anyhow, enough talk about our wonderful bedtime issues, it is time to link up with the lovely Katie for Marvelous In My Monday! Thanks again for hosting, Katie!

Even though we were dealing with bedtime issues, we still had a marvelous weekend! On Friday night, we enjoyed a yummy grilled-corn salad (another of my husband’s specialties), one of our favorite dishes when the weather is warm (recipe to be updated, soon!) after Keenan FINALLY went to bed.

Grilled corn salad

Since my husband had to work Saturday morning, Keenan and I enjoyed a trip to our farmers’ market and then some errands. Once my husband got home, we headed to IKEA and then some shopping where I bought my first real “mom purse” with the assistance of my “little shopper helper” (carrying all of the purses for me!). I’m so glad I can retire my diaper bag, since Keenan is mainly potty-trained (still working on the number two thing)!

Purse shopping

We also enjoyed some finger painting, making gifts for Mother’s Day! Keenan especially loved “painting himself” like the boy in the book, “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!”

Finger painting

On Saturday night, my husband made his famous grilled cabbage salad with shrimp (recipe coming soon!) that was delicious, as always! We enjoyed it with a nice bottle of wine for our “at home date night.”

Grilled Cabbage Salad

On Sunday morning, we enjoyed some family time in the kitchen trying out a new breakfast recipe, a flour-less banana souffle. Keenan especially loved mashing the bananas! The souffle was really good, but we were all so hungry that I forgot to take a picture.

Baking with a toddler

Yesterday afternoon, we went to a local gymnastics center for a friend’s birthday and Keenan had a blast! He loved swinging on the trapeze like the big kids, jumping into the foam pit and bouncing on the big trampoline. After the party, he told us that he wanted to do gymnastics, so after we move, we are thinking of signing him up. Sorry for the blurry pictures, I only had my phone with me.

toddler gymnastics

I hope your weekend was marvelous!

*Don’t forget to enter my H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending giveaway to receive a free snack pack that includes a  reusable tote and water bottle! Contest ends this Wednesday, May 7th! To enter, click here.


Tell me one marvelous thing about your weekend!

Did you do anything fun or enjoy some good food for Cinco de Mayo?