This past weekend turned out to be marvelous with getting a lot accomplished with our house, though it didn’t start out too well. After Keenan woke up from his nap on Friday, we headed to Costco for our monthly trip. As I was checking out a huge load of stuff, my debit card was denied. Knowing that our account had plenty of funds, I tried it again, but it was still denied. The only thought running through my mind was our card had been compromised. Fortunately, the associate checking us out allowed me to freeze our transaction until I figured out was going on. As I pulled our cart over to call my bank, I realized that I forgot to charge my phone, thus only having 5% battery life yet, ugh! Not really sure my bank would even be open at that time, I asked the girl at the customer service desk if I could use their phone (feeling like an idiot for not charging my cell phone). Fortunately, my bank was still open, and just as I thought, my card had been compromised! My bank saw that there were a few suspicious purchases made at an online store based in another state the day before, so they had put a hold on my card, thus not allowing me to use it (thankfully they caught it in time before the purchases went through!). I was relieved that they put a hold on it, but also frustrated that I had no way of purchasing anything at Costco, since they don’t accept credit cards, other than American Express.

Fighting back tears (and Keenan wondering what was going on), I begged my bank to open my card back up just to buy my things at Costco, but no such luck. They already cancelled the card and issued a new one. Overwhelmed and stressed, I asked the customer service rep at Costco if I could call my husband, get his card info and have them manually enter his debit card info, but as I thought, they were unable to do that. The only thing left to do, aside from embarrassingly putting everything back, was to open an American Express Card. Fortunately, I opened one and was able to purchase everything (thank goodness!). Since Keenan was starving by this point (even though he “tasted” his way through the store), I broke down and bought him a slice of pizza for dinner, since my husband wasn’t going to be home until later. It worked out well as Keenan was thrilled to have dinner at Costco–and eat pizza, no less!

Once we were home and Keenan was in bed, I opened a bottle of wine, sat on the couch and cherished every sip of it. After the Costco ordeal, wine tasted SO good! I’m still concerned at how someone got the number on my card, but I’m thankful that it was caught in time and handled right away. It is scary when you’re reminded that we are never really truly protected…

Fortunately, our weekend got better and we enjoyed some marvelous eats and got a lot done! Thank you, Katie, for hosting Marvelous In My Monday. If you haven’t already, you should check out Katie’s marvelous blog!

MiMM MIMM #51 with Lots of Fun Highlights From The Weekend!

Here are some of the marvelous highlights:

Saturday morning started out with Paleo French Toast With Carmalized Bananas and a trip to the farmer’s market.

Paleo French Toast With Caramelized Bananas

Once we loaded up on produce for the week, we selected the tile for our master bathroom and back splash for our kitchen, so another thing got crossed off our list!

In the afternoon, as we were on our way to get groceries and gas, Keenan and I enjoyed some frozen treats (a frozen caramel latte for myself and a cookies and cream non-coffee blended drink for him). It was a little reward for him doing so well with bedtime lately, not to mention the temperature outside was well over 95 degrees!

Keenan Drinking a Milkshake

Saturday night, my husband and I enjoyed a little “at home date night” making pizzas with sweet potato almond flour crusts, using the recipe for Butternut Squash Almond Flour Crust. We actually made the recipe as it was supposed to be, since we had sweet potatoes on hand. Instead of baking them, my husband put them on the grill and they turned out really well (though still a bit soft)! He topped his pizza with a pesto that he made out of the beet greens from the farmers’ market, prosciutto and feta cheese. I topped mine with a little olive oil, spinach, prosciutto and feta. I definitely liked mine better! We also grilled a peach and I made a salad using it, along with some avocado, roasted walnuts and feta….YUM!

Butternut Squash Almond Flour Pizza Crust

Yesterday, we took a load down to our new house and did more work, removing all of the light fixtures, fans, electrical plates, door hardware and baseboards to get it ready to be painted later this week. Things are finally starting to all come together.  Speaking of things coming together: We move in three weeks…crazy! I’m excited, but also realizing we still have so much to do! Once we are all moved and settled in, I’ll share pictures of our new house and all that we have done!

Well, that’s it for today. I hope your weekend was a marvelous one!


What was marvelous about your weekend?

Did you try any new foods and/or recipes this past weekend?

Have you ever had your credit or debit card compromised, or your identity stolen in another way?