Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

We had a great weekend at home, despite for the daunting task of packing (which we still have lots more to do!). We move in two weeks; I can’t believe it!

Before I share some of our weekend highlights, I’m linking up with Katie for another Marvelous In My Monday. Thanks, Katie for always hosting!

MiMM MIMM with just Some Marvelous Tidbits

Here are some of the marvelous things that happened this weekend…

Kicking off the weekend on Friday afternoon by cooling off in my parents’ pool. Keenan was so excited to swim, he literally stayed in the pool from the moment he woke up from his nap until dinner (3 hours!).


Saturday morning, we enjoyed a lazy morning of pancakes made with oat flour (a new recipe coming soon!), an iced coffee and then a trip to the farmer’s market.

Oat flour pancakes

To beat the horrendous heat that struck Northern California this weekend, we took a break from packing and enjoyed some delicious ice cream at one of the best places in the area, Gunther’s Ice Cream Shop! Keenan was SUPER excited for his ice cream cone!

Eating ice cream

For dinner on Saturday night, my husband and I enjoyed an “at home date night” making bison Greek burgers with oven-baked zucchini chips (another recipe coming soon!) followed by watching Silver Lining Playbook (such a good movie!).

Bison Burgers and Zucchini Chips

On Sunday, my husband let me sleep in a bit and treated me to a wonderful breakfast of eggs and homemade oat flour bacon and cheddar biscuits with a nice cup of coffee topped with his whipped cream. Everything was delicious! Sorry, I was so excited he made me breakfast that I forgot to snap a picture!

In the afternoon, we took a break from packing and Keenan helped my husband make cherry ice cream.

Making Cherry Ice Cream

After ice cream, Keenan and I baked some yummy Gluten Free Banana Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting!

My Baking Assistant Licking the Batter

We each enjoyed a bar for breakfast this morning; they were SO good!

Gluten-free banana bars with cream cheese frosting

Last night, my husband cooked another delicious meal for us, a wonderful grilled Swiss chard salad topped with Italian chicken sausage and feta cheese with another one of his tasty biscuits.

Grilled Swiss Chard Salad

Oh, and I can’t forget Keenan’s awesome request that surprised my husband and me on Saturday! Since we were planning to have our “at home date night” after Keenan went to bed, I asked him what he wanted for dinner. I asked if he wanted a homemade pizza and he requested a chicken salad instead! My mouth dropped, as he had never requested a salad before! He likes to eat the artichokes, olives and avocado in my salads, but never a bowl for himself. So, I made him a spinach salad loaded with carrots, tomatoes, avocado, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, feta cheese and turkey tossed with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. He loved it so much that he finished his whole bowl in a matter of minutes! I was SO pumped, because I have always hoped my kids would love salad like me. Keenan seems to be following suit!

 Toddler Eating Salad


What was marvelous about your weekend?

Did you do any grilling or baking this past weekend?