Today was somewhat of a relaxing day, aside from running last minute errands and getting things ready for our trip. Since Keenan is still getting over his cold (he came down with it a few days ago), we laid low. After breakfast, (which was different today: whole grain frozen waffles spread with peanut butter and banana slices on top), we headed to the gym for one last workout before we leave for Alaska. Since my husband was still really sore from yesterday’s WOD and his ankle was bothering him, he just took pictures, while I did the WOD with our friend. It was a good one! Below, is a picture of the workout, as well as me (and my nice CrossFit face!) doing an overhead squat.
After we got home from the gym, we had lunch: leftover Grilled Corn Salad with half of a sandwich thin and a nectarine. It was tasty after the crazy workout! Once I was done, I got ready and headed out to run errands, which included a trip to Nordstrom to exchange and return some things. I just love Nordies (as I call it)! Their return policy is awesome; you can take anything back (even if worn and without a receipt) and they will fully refund you. They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy, which is fabulous! After wearing shoes for a couple of times and if they still don’t fit right, you can take them back at Nordies and they will refund your money or exchange them. This is another reason why I do most of my shopping at Nordies!
Once I got home, Keenan woke up from his nap (almost 3 hours!), so we headed outside for some pool time! My husband and I enjoyed his “special summer drink creation” while Keenan played in the pool. Once Keenan was done playing in the pool, we went inside and watched a little “Elmo’s World” (Keenan’s request) and played several rounds of “Ring a Round the Roses” and “Tag.” It was a fun-filled afternoon of quality family time!

Watching an episode of “Elmo’s World,” while having a snack of my niece’s leftover gold fish crackers.
Tonight is our at-home “date night,” so it’s time to open a bottle of wine and start cooking! We are grilling some zucchini and an onion and tossing it with sun dried tomatoes, chicken, Kalamata olives and feta cheese over whole wheat penne noddles. It should be good! After dinner, we watching some Olympics! What are your plans for tonight?
I love dinner date nights at home 🙂 I’m interested in trying out Crossfit after the baby’s born. I keep hearing lots of good things about it. it looks pretty intense!
Maria, what do you guys do for your date nights at home? You should totally try CrossFit; it is intense, but SO much fun!
We’ll usually make a nicer than usual meal and have a nice bottle of wine. Then we’ll make sure we have a Netflix movie on hand that we both can agree on 🙂