I had an awesome time at the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer course this weekend, but it is sure nice to be home with my favorite boys! Though, I enjoyed the alone time and quietness of staying at a hotel for two nights, I missed Keenan and my husband. It was just too quiet for me! Keenan was so tired yesterday after two busy days with Daddy (bike riding for 16 miles on Saturday and playing at the lake yesterday), that on the way home from the lake, Keenan said to my husband (crying), “No more Daddy!” It melted my heart when my husband told me. Since Keenan was still awake when I got home last night (talking to his critters in his crib), I went in and gave him a big hug and a kiss. He was definitely happy to see me, as he said, “Keenan miss Mommy.” When he said those words, I had tears in my eyes…I know…I couldn’t help it, I’m just an emotional Mommy! 🙂

About my weekend: I had a great time, learning SO much and meeting some new friends. CrossFit Headquarters really does a great job in presenting all of the material and mixing it up between lecture and hands on teaching of the movements. When I entered NorCal CrossFit (where the course was held) the first day, I was in awe when I saw some of the top CrossFit Games athletes, such as Miranda Oldroyd, Sarah Hopping and Neal Maddox. They were a part of the crew that put on the course. Each one gave a different lecture and then worked with us in small groups to perfect and learn how to teach the major movements. All of the athletes were very nice and extremely helpful in making sure we were getting as much out of the course as we possibly could. We did one of the benchmark WODs, Fran, on Saturday, which is: 21-15-9 of thrusters with 65 lb for women and pullups. It was a little intimidating working out with 60 other people, but I managed to get through it and improve my time by 2 minutes (finishing it in 8 minutes!). On Sunday, we did a mini-WOD of 8 pushups, 10 medicine ball cleans and 12 sit-ups in 8 minutes (doing as many rounds as possible). I was able to complete 5 rounds and 2 pushups, not bad! All in all, I had a blast and I am SO glad that I went. I was nervous about the test yesterday, but I felt confident. Hopefully, I did well (keeping my fingers crossed!). They send us our results in 3 weeks!

I’m excited and eager to use what I learned over the weekend to improve my own technique, form and performance, as well as train others. In addition, I’m also going to put my nutrition to a test, following more of the CrossFit guidelines/prescription of Zone eating. After hearing Miranda’s lecture on nutrition, I was intrigued. We pretty much follow the Zone principles of eating whole foods ( “clean,” as I call it): meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fats, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, but I want to refine it a little bit. I want to eat more healthy fat, such as avocado and nuts (which I know we lack), less grains of cereal and bread and consume more of our carbohydrates from vegetables. We don’t eat that many carbs from bread and grains, but there is always room to fine tune things. Also, over the weekend, I was not feeling like eating my “usual breakfast” of Fage 0% Greek yogurt with Kashi Cereal, flax seed and chia seeds, in fact just thinking about it, kind of makes me cringe. I think I have eaten my yogurt breakfast WAY too much, so it’s perfect timing to change things up! My husband and I are going work on this for 30 days and I’m going to track my energy and performance levels in my workouts. I am mostly curious in how it will affect my performance. So, we’ll see…I’ll keep you posted!

Drinking water out of his new cup that I got  over the weekend! Crazy…they were on sale at Starbucks for $3.00!

Speaking of food, my husband made a wonderful boar stew over the weekend, so we are having some of the leftovers for dinner tonight, along with zucchini sauteed with an onion and sun dried tomatoes! It should be good!

Well, it’s time to head to CrossFit. Keenan woke-up 30 minutes ago, unusually early. He woke up early this morning, too, at 6:45 a.m., even though he fell asleep around 8 p.m. last night. I’m not sure what is going on…if it’s his teeth, since he has a couple of molars coming in on the bottom or his lack of sleep this weekend (he only slept for 30 minutes yesterday on the way home from the lake). I’m hoping he will get back on track with his sleeping tomorrow.

Question: Have you ever eaten a food (that you once loved) so much that you can no longer eat it? If so, what was the food?