I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to enjoy the gorgeous Spring weather! I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet. We had a marvelous weekend visiting our alumni, UC...
Breastfeeding and CrossFit
Since getting back into CrossFit after Mirella was born, I’ve received a few questions in regards to breastfeeding. Some of the main questions that I’ve received is how I am able to breastfeed while...
Getting Your Child To Sleep Through The Night…Is There Really Such a Thing (for every baby)?
As soon as you have your baby, it seems that everyone and their mother asks how your precious bundle of joy sleeps. I can’t even count how many times people ask me how Mirella...
Blog Update and MIMM!
Look who’s two months old already! I can’t believe how fast the past 8 weeks have gone…crazy! Since Mirella was born, I have thought a lot about my blog and where I want to...
My First Week Back Doing CrossFit After Baby
I had planned to write this post last Friday but time got away from me. Being that I just finished my workout (and my little angel is still sleeping peacefully), I want to share...
Newborn Pictures!
I hope everyone had a great and restful weekend! Mirella went back to waking up every two hours over the weekend, so today, we have been working on establishing a routine (which I’ll talk...
MIMM – Our First Family Of Four Outing!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I can’t believe Mirella is already 5 weeks old today; crazy how fast she is growing! Since both kiddos are napping peacefully, I thought I would pop in really quick...
Adjusting To Life With Two Kids
Sorry I haven’t been around the blogging world much, whether writing posts or reading/commenting on other blogs, but things have been a busy blur around here (more than I anticipated). Having time to myself,...
Why I Chose To Have a Home Birth
When you say “home birth” most people just raise their eyebrows, nod their heads and say “interesting,” as they really aren’t sure what to make of the whole concept. The idea of having a...
My Birth Story Of Our Sweet Baby Girl
I can’t believe it has already been a week and a half since I gave birth to sweet Mirella. Time is already flying by. We are doing well; she has regained her birth weight...