It’s been a few months since I talked about doing CrossFit during my pregnancy and since I’m 29 weeks now (can you believe it?), I thought an update was in order. I still can’t...
WIAW – Nona Lim Soups!
Sorry there wasn’t a post yesterday! I slept through my alarm to get up early and write a blog post, in addition to working out. Keenan also slept in until 7:30 (which never happens!)....
MIMM – Wonderful Thanksgiving and The Arrival of Peanut!
Happy Monday and the second day of December already! I’m sad the long holiday weekend is over because it was nice to be home enjoying some quality family time together since my husband was...
CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #15 (aka Thanksgiving Chipper!)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed their share of good food! We had a nice holiday (more to come on that soon!) and today we are taking it easy, enjoying leftovers,...
Six Simple Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
With Thanksgiving tomorrow and Christmas only four weeks away (I know, I just said that!), I thought I would put together a few simple healthy holiday eating tips to help you survive the two...
Pregnancy Update – 28 Weeks!
Thanksgiving is in two days and I’m moving into my third trimester…crazy! Now that the holidays are here, this pregnancy is going by even faster. I can’t believe I only have three months left...
Marvelous In My Monday With Family and Good Food!
Happy Monday! Before I go into today’s post, the winner of the Mother’s Therapy Organics giveaway is: Maryann Drapkin! Please send me your contact information so you can receive your pack of hand sanitizers! I...
Friday Favorites!
Happy Friday! In case you missed yesterday’s post, you MUST watch the short video I posted, especially if you are a mom! It brought tears to my eyes. Anyhow, I can’t believe Thanksgiving is...
How Beautiful It Is To Be A Mom…
Sorry for such a late post, but after one hectic and LONG day yesterday (spending more than three hours on the road, due to such tremendous traffic!) I haven’t been motivated do anything today....
WIAW – All About Dinner!
Happy Hump Day! I’m up bright and early this morning to attend an all-day seminar on understanding cravings and emotions to receive continuing education credits for my personal training and wellness coach certifications, so...