
Fun Toddler Watercolor Activity

Keenan loves to paint, especially finger painting and getting it all over himself like the boy in the book, I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More! As we were reading last month’s Highlights magazine, they...


Marvelous In My Monday

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! We had a wonderful time with our friends this past weekend catching up (since we hadn’t seem them in SO long), watching the kids...


Friday Favorites!

TGIF! It’s been a busy day of cleaning and organizing over here (with plenty more to do!), but I’m looking forward to seeing our good friends tomorrow, spending some quality time catching up while...


What I Ate Wednesday + Two New Recipes!

I hope everyone’s week is going well! I love Wednesdays because it is a chance to share some of the things I have been eating lately (or check-in on my eating rather) and gain...


Tomato Ricotta Tart

As I was browsing recipes for some ideas one day, I came across a wonderful tomato tart recipe. I experimented a little, changing a few things and made it today for my grandma. She...


Funky Monkey Cookies

My husband actually stumbled upon a recipe for Chunky Monkey Cookies a while ago. I was intrigued since the recipe was so simple and all of the ingredients were so good for you! I...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! Even though we have another weekend full of doing work on our house, especially the front and back yards, I’m glad it’s Friday! My husband and I are planning a little “at...
