It seems like yesterday that my husband and I were watching a movie on our couch when I started to feel labor pains. Five and a half hours later, we welcomed our precious baby girl into...
Children and Mommyhood
Category: Children and Mommyhood
I can’t believe I have a 5 year old!
Sorry I have been MIA, but last week was super busy with soccer, Keenan’s 5th birthday (seriously, where did the past 5 years go?), and his party this past weekend. I had all intentions of...
Do You Want a Slide, or a Hammock? (3 Exercises To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor)
You are probably wondering what in the world is this blog post about, judging by the title, right? Either way, you definitely want a slide! Lately, I’ve received some questions about what exercises can help to strengthen...
5 Reasons Why Having Kid #2 Will Rock Your World!

Ok, so going from one to two kids IS a freaking big deal! Among the excitement of finding out that we were expecting baby #2 and preparing for our little one’s arrival, no one...
Post Baby Body: 11 Months Postpartum

Look who turned 11 months over the weekend! How cute is she? This year has gone by WAY too fast for my liking. I’m already in denial that Mirella will be one year old...
Is It Really A Sleep Regression?
I can’t believe it has already been 9 months since our little girl entered our world. I wish there was a way to freeze time, because she is growing way too fast! She is...
Post Baby Body: Almost 9 months Postpartum and My Diastasis Recti
Already another month has passed since my last post baby body update and I can’t believe it has been almost 9 months since I gave birth to Mirella (it’s officially 9 months on the 10th)....
Post Baby Body: 8 Months Postpartum and My Diastasis Recti
I can’t believe it’s already been 8 months since I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. It has been fun to see her little personality develop and watch her gain new skills like...
5 Tips For Starting Your Baby On Solids
Sorry I didn’t get around to posting yesterday. It was just one of those days where I needed to catch up on housework and get caught up from the weekend after being out of...
Simple Homemade Baby Food

Happy Friday! It has been a busy, but fun-filled week between training clients (and gaining new ones!), helping my mom out after her surgery last week and introducing Mirella to more solid food! I’m...