Almost to the weekend! Though, I’m looking forward to another weekend at home, I’m NOT looking forward to really buckling down and packing, ugh! We move move in three weeks, so it is now...
Children and Mommyhood
Category: Children and Mommyhood
Tuesday Fun With Finger Painting!
Happy Tuesday! Even though Keenan woke up at the crack of dawn (yet again) today, it was nice to wake up to his cute little face asking to climb into our bed to snuggle...
Kids Say The Darndest Things
Good Morning! Well, I’m happy to report that Keenan stayed in his bed last night and went to sleep within 15 minutes of putting him down! You know you are a parent when you...
Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread

It has been a while since I’ve posted a baked goods recipe and since I had some overly ripe bananas sitting around, as well as walnuts from my family’s farm, making banana nut bread...
A Big Boy Now
I hope everyone’s week is going well. I can’t believe I’m just now getting to writing this post! It has been one heck of a busy over here with cleaning house, taking care of...
Potty Training Update and Bedtime
First off, I can’t even express how much my heart goes out to all of the runners, observers, locals, and their families who were affected in yesterday’s tragedy. I can’t imagine what they are...
Kids’ Easter Crafts
I hope everyone is having a good day. The weather is finally warming up and feeling more like Spring again, thank goodness! I’m SO ready for flip flops, cropped pants, t’s and tanks! Keenan...
Kids’ Easter Crafts
I hope everyone is having a good day. The weather is finally warming up and feeling more like Spring again, thank goodness! I’m SO ready for flip flops, cropped pants, t’s and tanks! Keenan...
The Weekend and BIG News…
Happy Monday! Keenan and I enjoyed a nice start to the week by meeting our friends for coffee this morning, before heading over to nearby park for our MOMs Club picnic and Easter egg...
Thursday Tidbits: Baby Food Made Easy (updated post)!
Well, it is day two of Keenan wearing his “big boy” underwear and so far, things have been going well. He has had two minor accidents of drops of pee in his underwear, but...