I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! First off, thank you for all those who served in the military or who are actively serving! We had a very busy, but productive weekend , so I’m...
Category: Coffee
What I Ate Wednesday
Happy Hump Day! I am finally feeling a little better today, though I still woke up with a pounding headache…not sure what that is all about! At least I am not nauseated anymore and...
Weekend Getaway in Auburn!
I can’t believe it is already Monday, again. It seems that our weekends go by way too fast these days. I am just not ready to the start the week quite yet, which I...
First Day of Our Paleo Challenge…
Happy Monday! I’m not so sure I’m entirely happy it is Monday because it is the start of our 30 day Paleo Challenge. Eating the Paleo way is not too far off from how...
A Not-So-Marvelous Monday
Well, today was probably one of the worst days, as far as “bad mommy” moments goes. Keenan finally started feeling better Saturday evening and didn’t have a fever anymore, but last night and today...
What I Ate Wednesday and More
Happy Hump-Day! Sorry this is so late; this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit down in front of my computer all day! It was a busy one, to say the...
Thanksgiving Weekend + New Pumpkin Recipe!

I hope everyone had a great holiday and a relaxing long weekend! Despite the septic incident and part of the turkey catching on fire while we scrambled to keep sewage where it belonged, we...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day with their loved ones and eating “yummy food” (as Keenan likes to say!). We started our day off on a yummy note with Cafe...
Oh, what a busy weekend!
I can’t believe it is already Monday. I need one more day to rest and get things done, since we were so busy this weekend. Did anyone else feel that way? Either way, we...
Thirsty Thursday and Go Raw Giveaway!!
Good Morning! Today is especially a good morning, because I have my latte in hand, but it isn’t my usual cup of joe, it is a Pumpkin Pie Latte! My mom came over this...