“Peanut” was hiding this morning, sitting at the head of of our table. It took Keenan a long time to finally find her. He kept looking on the couch, around his play area and...
Category: Family
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a great weekend, though a tad busy, but definitely a productive one! Among attending our good friends’ baby’s baptism on Saturday and having dinner...
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a great weekend, though a tad busy, but definitely a productive one! Among attending our good friends’ baby’s baptism on Saturday and having dinner...
Friday Favorites + Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies!

TGIF! I’m SO glad it is Friday; it has been quite a week with being sick, still trying to get some good training time in for next week’s competition, as well projects completed for...
Getting Ready for The Holidays and Thankful Thursday
With the last day of November being tomorrow, the countdown to the holidays is quickly approaching (or really, has already begun!). I felt the countdown starting as of last week, thinking about all of...
Thanksgiving Weekend + New Pumpkin Recipe!

I hope everyone had a great holiday and a relaxing long weekend! Despite the septic incident and part of the turkey catching on fire while we scrambled to keep sewage where it belonged, we...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day with their loved ones and eating “yummy food” (as Keenan likes to say!). We started our day off on a yummy note with Cafe...
What I Ate Wednesday + New Crock Pot Recipe!
Happy Hump Day! I still can’t believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Since we are barely settling into fall weather here in California, it doesn’t feel like the start of the holiday season. Don’t get...
Weekend Recap + Two New Recipes!
Happy Holiday week! I hope you had a restful weekend! We had good weekend, but definitely a busy one (not enough rest!). After coaching the weekend CrossFit class on Saturday (which went great!), we...
Friday Favorites!
TGIF!! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend, especially since it is suppose to me cold and rainy here in Sacramento! Even though we have errands to run and...