A couple of weeks ago I wrote about doing CrossFit during pregnancy and I realized I left a few things out, which probably left you with some unanswered questions. Since I’m so passionate about...
Category: Fitness
Doing CrossFit During Pregnancy
When we formally announced my pregnancy with baby #2 I started to get questions if I was still going to do CrossFit while I was pregnant. A few people asked if it was safe to...
What I Ate Wednesday
Happy Hump Day! I’m glad to get back to my usual What I Ate Wednesday posts, thanks to the lovely Jenn for always hosting! It’s a great link up to see what everyone else...
One Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway!
Isn’t it amazing how much better you feel after working out? I missed working out so much over the past couple of weeks that it really affected my mood and how I felt about...
Holiday Recap and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I can’t believe it is already 2013! The past two weeks flew by at light speed, not to mention the entire year of 2012! Our New Year’s was pretty low-key. Since...
Competition and Weekend Recap + Coconut Flour Pancakes!

Sorry that this post is so late; my usual afternoon blogging time got cut short due to finishing up some odds and ends around the house and Keenan waking up early. Lately, if Keenan...
What I Ate Wednesday and More
Happy Hump-Day! Sorry this is so late; this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit down in front of my computer all day! It was a busy one, to say the...
What I Ate Wednesday + New Crock Pot Recipe!
Happy Hump Day! I still can’t believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Since we are barely settling into fall weather here in California, it doesn’t feel like the start of the holiday season. Don’t get...
Friday Favorites!
TGIF!! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend, especially since it is suppose to me cold and rainy here in Sacramento! Even though we have errands to run and...
Friday Favorites and Fitblogger!
Happy Friday! Are you one of the lucky ones who has Monday off in honor of Veteran’s Day? I’m SO excited it is Friday because we have some fun things planned for the weekend...