Happy Monday (although I’m not quite ready for the week to start)! Our friends got married on Saturday and had a lovely wedding. My husband did a great job officiating their wedding and everything...
Category: Friends
First Day Of Preschool and Our Visit With Good Friends
First off, I want to thank Laura and Jessie for filling in for me the past couple of days while Keenan and I were in Oregon visiting our friends! I hope you enjoyed reading...
I hope everyone had a great weekend and a fabulous couple of days! As always, when my friend and I get together, the time goes by way too fast. We have too much fun together! Since...
What I Ate Wednesday + Coconut Whipped Cream and A New Slow-Cooker Recipe!

Peanut got into Keenan’s legos this morning! Again, Keenan wasn’t pleased with her playing with his legos and immediately asked me to put them away, since he couldn’t reach them (she was sitting on...
A Tough Tuesday and An Easy Crock Pot Recipe!
Well, today was just one of those days! This morning, while I was making breakfast, Keenan was “helping” me make coffee and as I was getting ready to put the coffee in the French...
More Birthday Fun!
I hope everyone had a great weekend (or is still having a great weekend, if you are off today)! We had a wonderful weekend with my birthday celebration part 2! On Saturday, we spent...
Oh, what a busy weekend!
I can’t believe it is already Monday. I need one more day to rest and get things done, since we were so busy this weekend. Did anyone else feel that way? Either way, we...
Round and Round and Two New Recipes!
My husband and I were talking over dinner last night about routines and how they are important, but also how it is good to venture away from them from time to time. I am...
Weekend Recap and Drink Chia Review and Giveaway!!
Happy Monday! We had a good weekend, though not enough relaxation. I’m looking forward to a weekend when we don’t have any plans (if that is possible!). Anyhow, before I talk about today and...
Just Another Tuesday
Today is one of those days…I have been dragging since the moment I woke up. It definitely didn’t help that my husband and I stayed up late watching the first episode “Revenge” (of this...