Candy isn’t everything on Halloween (Keenan would beg to differ!), and with so many allergies or food sensitivities these days, I’m thinking of handing out non-candy treats, or at least have a bowl of non-candy...
Healthy Tips
Category: Healthy Tips
Staying active and being healthy have always been important to me. It started with my grandmother who led an active life (even doing the splits at 80 years old!), which she modeled for my mom, who then modeled it for me. Now it’s my turn to teach my own children how to maintain positive habits for happy, Deliciously Fit lives!
5 Ways To Get Back On Track
As a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach, I give advice on health and fitness on a daily basis. My passion lies in helping others succeed in reaching their goals, whether fitness, nutrition or weight related....
5 Tips For A Healthy Halloween (Updated!)
Keenan has been asking me how many days left until Halloween for the past three weeks! Since he doesn’t get candy very often (if at all!), he definitely takes full advantage of trick-or-treating! But, Halloween doesn’t...
5 Tips to Stay Healthy While Swimming This Summer!
A couple of years ago, I was invited to participate in a call hosted by the CDC about swimming health and safety. Since Summer is here (and we have been spending our afternoons swimming in my parents’...
3 Tips To Push Yourself Harder In Your Workouts
Prior to doing CrossFit, I admit that I was a “gym rat,” going to the gym 5-6 times a week and spending an hour to an hour and a half taking a group exercise...
Shape-Up For Summer Challenge Check-In
Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments about my grandfather. Last week was filled with many emotions, morning the loss of my grandpa, but also enjoying time with family who I hadn’t seen in a...
Do You Want a Slide, or a Hammock? (3 Exercises To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor)
You are probably wondering what in the world is this blog post about, judging by the title, right? Either way, you definitely want a slide! Lately, I’ve received some questions about what exercises can help to strengthen...
3 Tips For Working Out On Vacation (Updated from the Archives!)

I’ll be honest with you, I always have the best intentions to workout on vacation, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. On a regular (non-vacation) basis, I workout before my kids wake up at 5:00 a.m.,...
5 Simple Ways To Make Time For Exercise

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from other moms is that they don’t have time to work out. Juggling kids, home life and work can always get in the way – whether...
Take care of your heart: American Heart Health Month

Even though National Wear Red Day was February 6th, February is American Heart Health Month. We hear a lot about the risks for men, but 1 and 3 women die of heart disease and stroke each...