I can pass up plain chocolate, but if it’s paired with peanut butter, then it’s all over! Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a HUGE PB-and-chocolate fan. I’ve been known to take a...
Category: Paleo
Roasted Butternut Squash with Apples and Walnuts

Roasted butternut squash is a staple in our house, something we eat once a week during the Fall and Winter, whether as a side dish, thrown onto a salad, made into a soup or...
Mediterranean Kale Quinoa Casserole {One-Pot Meal!}

Now that the leaves are changing colors and the weather is FINALLY getting cooler, I have been all about casseroles for dinner lately, especially ones that are one-pot meals! Warm, ooey gooey casseroles are...
Marvelous Oven-Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great and restful weekend! We had another productive weekend, slowly, but surely getting more things done around our house, including the baby’s room. The room is...
Peach Cobbler – A Grain Free Version for WIAW

Happy Hump Day! Since I have been craving LOTS of sweets lately and I had one remaining bag of peaches from the orchard by my parents’ house, I decided to make a peach cobbler...
Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies (updated recipe!)

These paleo cookies are one of my family’s favorite recipes, in fact my husband thinks they are some of the best cookies he has ever eaten (which is saying a lot)! They are not...
Gluten-Free Banana Bars With Cream Cheese Frosting

My mom makes the best banana bars. When she makes a batch, they hardly last a day because everyone devours them! Since I had some over-ripe bananas lying around, I decided to make some,...
Grilled Cabbage Salad (Paleo-Friendly!)

This is one of my favorite Summer time dishes that my husband makes. The flavors can be modified in many ways. You can give it an Asian spin, African spices, or even Greek zip....
Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread

It has been a while since I’ve posted a baked goods recipe and since I had some overly ripe bananas sitting around, as well as walnuts from my family’s farm, making banana nut bread...
Roasted Butternut Squash Almond Flour Pizza Crust

Since my husband and I were both craving pizza (but we didn’t want to order in or make a traditional pizza), we decided to try something new using the ingredients we had on hand....