Category: WODs

WOD: 6/30/17

Happy Friday! Here is a good workout to end the week…enjoy! Warm-up: 50 DU (150 singles) 25 sit ups 15 slap planks Skill: 10 min EMOM: 2-3 wall walks WOD: 3 rnds: 1 min...


WOD: 6/29/17

How is your week going so far? I can’t believe it’s already the end of June. Our Summer is going by so fast! Anyhow, here is a good wod to get you going… Warm-up:...


WOD: 6/22/17

I hope you enjoy this little “chipper” as much as I do! For the skill, use a plate to place on your back for the slap planks and plank up downs for weight. For...


WOD: 6/20/17

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and Father’s Day with all of the dad’s out there! After a great weekend away of just my husband and me celebrating a belated Anniversary and Father’s...


WOD: 6/16/17

Happy Friday! How did Wednesday’s wod go? For today’s wod, make sure to go up in weight for the KB swings. Since the swing is at eye-level, you should be able to increase your...


WOD: 6/14/17

Happy Hump Day! We were in Disneyland last week, so I’m sorry for the lapse in workouts, but we are back it this week! Warm-up: run 800m 25 lunges 25 good mornings Skill: 5...


WOD: 6/2/17

Here is a great wod to end the week: Warm-up: 2 rnds: shuttle run 200m 20 curtsy squats 10 push ups Skill: 10 min EMOM: 5 medball cleans and 10 wall balls WOD: 3...


WOD: 5/31/17

Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone had a nice long Memorial Weekend! While everyone in the CrossFit community did the traditional “Murph” wod on Monday, we started off the week with this….enjoy! Warm-up: run...


WOD: 5/25/17

Almost to the weekend! For the skill, think of it as a sprint and go as quickly as you can, keeping your burpee broad jumps at a fast, but steady pace. Warm-up: skip 200m 20 squats...


WOD: 5/23/17

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is a great “chipper” wod to start off the last week of May! The idea is to do it as fast as you can before the...
